Saturday, June 6, 2020

Lots of Slow Stitching

It's been a busy week of slow stitching at my house!  I finished up the quilt top for the Book Club Hand-Pieced QAL and got it pressed.  There were lots of seam junctions to figure out!

Just need to come up with a backing for this and get it layered and pinned for quilting.

After that was finished I continued working on hand quilting the blue and white Embroidered Stars quilt.

This is the top left star, and I think it is completely quilted. 
 Moving on to finish the top right corner next.

Except... it's been way too hot here to sit with a quilt covering your lap, so I decided I needed an embroidery design to work on.  Since I've been wanting to try a Kathy Schmitz design, and she showed this one on Instagram the other night, I decided to go and purchase it from her website.  Find it HERE

Ready to start stitching!

There's plenty to stitch on here, so I'm linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. I know what you mean about too hot to quilt (or bind in my case). I love your red quilty!!! It looks fantastic! I'm embroidering too, enjoy your new pattern!!! Stay cool!

  2. So proud of you for sticking with the hand piecing! You do nice work.

  3. Love the star quilt! The embroidery looks perfect for a relaxing day of stitching.

  4. I love how the Book Club quilt top turned out! I understand about the heat and hand quilting - ugh! Have fun with your stitching today!

  5. that heat pattern is odd this year that you are terribly hot at the same time I am - I couldn't take the crochet or anything too much on me when I sit out in the shade of the porch for even a little bit and it has to be the hexies. I'm glad the cooler 80's will be here tomorrow and maybe all week

  6. I like that new embroidery piece. I am looking forward to watching your color choices and progress. That red quilt is very pretty. I can understand not wanting to quilt in the heat. Enjoy your stitching.

  7. You did a great job pressing the Book Club quilt. Pretty hand quilting and what a great stitchery you found to work on. I've been printing off the ones from Jacquelynne Steves... just in case. Stay cool.

  8. I just ran across Kathy's embroidery patterns a few days ago! Yes I have been looking for something that trips my trigger. I am hoping to start on something this evening;)

  9. Smart switch, Diann!! You'll finish the other projects... Eventually. :o))

  10. Love both of your quilts. I did that Kathy Schmitz embroidery and love it!

  11. Nice book club finish. Good job on matching all those seams. Enjoy stitching on your pretties!

  12. Your Book Club quilt is really great!

  13. Both your quilts are so beautiful. Enjoy your stitching! Thanks for sharing the link to the designer.

  14. Love the sentiments on the new stitchery you are about to start....the words are so timely at this present time in our world. Your Book Club quilt top is a delight and as for your blue and white embroidered stars quilt, it is always a joy to visit you and see your lovely progress on this pretty.

  15. Lovely white and red quilt, and I love your Embroidered Stars too. Great projects!
