Friday, May 1, 2020

This and that...

This being kind of an "in between" week, I worked on a variety of blocks in a rainbow of colors!  It feels good to be caught up on all the various projects and QALS I've joined in with recently.

I sewed with my purple stash for the April Color Challenge Block...

And some fresh and pretty greens made a LeMoyne Star for part 2 of the Safekeeping QAL at Heartspun Quilts.

Bluish, purplish batiks made four Block As for the Centred QAL...

And red and white hand-pieced blocks for the Book Club QAL were stitched in the evenings while relaxing with my hubby and something on TV.

More about these in my Sunday post.

I've continued to make 3.5 inch four patches as my leaders and enders, and add them to the double four patch layout on the design wall, too!

These are made with whatever little bits are left on the cutting table 
after working on other blocks.  I'm going to keep making these until I run out of the blue that makes the alternate squares!

Now, on to May!

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday and 


  1. Nice works ~ We have green again for RSC--I don't have much of that left after January...sigh...thought perhaps yellow or red even...
    ~ ~ ~ waving while holding onto my hat in the winds Julierose

  2. love all your blocks - I still need to make the blue from last month that I never got around to!

  3. SEW many wonderful blocks in Light Bright BLUE and I see you've gotten a head start on Dark GREEN, too! Thanks for the reminder that I really wanted to join in the Centered QAL. I can't keep up with all the Squirrels running around the studio!

  4. you sewed a lot and without and we didn't have the new color yet. your blocks look so crisp and nice.

  5. You’ve done a great job at keeping up with the various QALs and challenge blocks. I really want to do the Centered QAL but haven’t started yet, maybe this week,

  6. I saw the green and was thinking - Geez, you must have been up late last night working on green! Lots of great projects - that will be a fun 4 patch quilt with the scraps.

  7. Lots of lovely blocks here. Love your Batiks blocks and the red/white ones too. Congrats on getting up to date on your SAL and BOMs. ;^)

  8. How do you keep all these things straight!! Everything is awesome and I just love your 4 patch project. Hmm, maybe I should start one with all those 2" squares I keep cutting from scraps.

  9. Hi,
    Beautiful the red ones.
    Have a great day!

  10. Always enjoy seeing what's brewing in your quilt room and on your design wall. It all makes me smile. I'm liking those red/white blocks! I keep thinking I need to try hand piecing, and then get distracted by something else!

  11. You've got some very fun projects in the works. It has to feel really good to be all caught up and ready for May's blocks.

  12. Oh those red & white blocks are beauties! I love hand-piecing too but some days it's hard on my hands. I'm still loving the 4-patches too and hope you NEVER run out of the blue squares! Lol!

  13. You are getting a lot done. We finally had a decent day, so I was outside working in the yard all day and will be tomorrow,too. But it's back to cold and rain next week, so I'll catch up then.

  14. Lots of happy stitching going on your house, Diann. I especially love your Book Club blocks- red is always remarkable as my grandmother said when she bought me my first suitcase set to take to university!

  15. What a wonderful collection of blocks! And such great colors! They really make these long weeks brighter.

  16. I love them all! You really got a lot done this week. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
