Monday, April 6, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #32

What a week, you guys!  How are you doing?  My hubby and I have gotten through his surgery, and he is now home and doing really well.  Even though I didn't blog about that until Thursday last week, that was my biggest To-Do to get through!

While at home, I did finish my Super Scrappy baby quilt!

All it needs is a trip through the washer and dryer, and a label, and
it will be ready to donate to Jack's Basket during the Hands2Help quilt event.

I also played with some new blocks I hadn't tried before.  These are the Magic Stars, shared by Joy of The Joyful Quilter.

Inspired by this piece of fabric, I pulled other blues, yellows, and reds, and made a few blocks, just for fun! 

(It's actually navy blue, not black.)

So, this week...

1.  Decide what to do with the Magic Circle blocks.  Maybe just finish into a tablerunner.

2.  Get started on April blocks in light blue for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

3.  Maybe some house projects?  There are certainly drawers and cupboards that could stand to be cleaned out.  I might read a book instead, lol!

Hope your week is getting off to a great start!  
Linking up with Roseanne at Home Sewn by Us for To-Do Tuesday.


  1. So glad all went well with your husband's surgery. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Love how you picked your colors on Joy's Magic Stars project. I need to find a couple of fun fabrics and try to pick colors like that on a mystery quilt someday. Enjoy your quiet time--you deserve it.

  2. Relieved your husband got through surgery! Your blocks are cheerful! Keeping you both in my prayers!

  3. I'm so happy about your husband and pray his healing goes quickly. I imagine it will with you by his side! I'm very attracted to those Magic Stars, and what a pretty inspiration fabric! The tutorial looks like fun. All I need is one more block pattern to tempt me (rolling my eyes).

  4. Glad all went well with the surgery. Good luck on the to-do's and enjoy that fun fabric!

  5. I hate to say it but I didn't make any of the quilts for charities because I don't wan to have to go to the post office to mail them
    Glad Mike is doing well.

  6. I just saw the Magic Squares block last night and I am intrigued by it! Love the contrast of your blocks.

  7. That is great hubby news! I'm sure it's quite the relief for you too. Nice finish on the scrappy quilt and I've been tempted to play with Magic Stars too. Looks really fun and love how you pulled in beautiful colors. Will make a pretty table runner for sure.

  8. So glad he is home and recovering! Both of you stay well and strong!

  9. Hi Diann! So glad to hear the surgery went well and he is on the mend. {{Hugs}} a bunch for you both. Yeah, we could be cleaning, organizing and straightening all kinds of stuff . . . but haven't been so far. Your Jack's Basket quilt looks fab! I know it will be well received. Thanks so much for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Oh, Diann, those blocks are FABULOUS!!! I'm SEW glad you decided to give the tutorial a try.

  11. I couldn't find the magic circles in your posts; now I'm curious. Glad hubby is recovering well. You had a good, productive week. Now would be a good time to start the Louise Penny series, if you haven't already (I can't recall if you have).

  12. So glad that Mike is on the mend. Now stay home both of you. Your red and white blocks are impressive. The library closed before we got home from FL, so I'm having to make due with a few paperbacks picked up at book sales. I may have to figure out how to download ebooks from the library again.

  13. OMG, I was playing with the same block, but in EQ8! I wanted to be sure I was into it before trying it. Now I need to play some more. LOL. Love your fabric pull for yours.

  14. Hi Diann. I love the bright colors in your super scrappy baby quilt and Magic Star blocks. Glad your husband is home and doing well. I’m sure the COVID-19 pandemic made him having surgery even more stressful. Thankfully, we have our quilting for stress relief! Take care, Mary.
