Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I Like Thursday #180 - Thankful

Happy Thursday, friends!  I'm thankful for all of you, and want to especially thank you for sending so much love, good thoughts, and prayers for my husband, Mike, during his surgery last week.

So, while navigating the healing process as best we can, I've been...

Watching, on Netflix -

"The English Game"
about English football teams in the later 1800s, the divide between the "gentlemen" and the working men, and how professional players came to be a part of the sport.

And also in the midst of this one right now - 

is about a teenager who is on the autism spectrum and navigating high school.  Keir Gilchrist, the actor who plays Sam, the main character, is just excellent.  Although he is not autistic, several other characters are played by actors who are on the spectrum. 

Sam is obsessed with Antarctica and penguins, so of course I love him!  

Stitching - a cute bunny in a garden - 

This little design is from one of my Gail Pan books.  She stitched the bunny in green and all of the growing things in red, but I'm changing it into lots of Spring colors instead!

Reading - 

It was a good escape for me - a romance with some depth to it!

Enjoying some nice Spring weather, too!  I love the new rainbow spinner we got for the garden.

Hope you're having a good week!  
Joining in with the I Like Thursday bloggers at


  1. Happy thoughts! I just love your bunny embroidery (perfect colors)! I'll have to check out the English Game, looks great! Hugs and continued good health for you and hubby!

  2. I'm probably one of the only moms on the planet that doesn't subscribe to Netflix. We utilize our public library so much (except it has been closed for quite a while.) Enjoy it. Cute little stitching. :)

  3. Love your wind spinner. Great bunny. Keep healing and glad you are all doing well.

  4. I haven't seen the shows you mention or the book I will need to look for them

  5. I think you are picking just the right colors for your bunny stitchery. Never hurts to add a bit more color to our world right now, love your pretty spinner!

  6. Hi Diann! I hope Mike is continuing to improve each and every day. Oh, that colorful rainbow spinner in your garden is just gorgeous and very happy looking. I would be able to watch that quite nicely for hours. Take care! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. We have English Game on our list to begin watching this weekend. We've been binge watching Person of Interest, and finished that this past week. It was such a great show, different than the rest, nothing else is coming up to that standard for us. I'm reading Gravity of Birds, really good!!

  8. yea to healing! Hope Mike is back up and sassy again soon. The book sounds really good to me about now, love the title and cover! Happy spring to you two

  9. Hi,
    Like your embroidered bunny....and the Rainbow Spinner is colorful, I like it. Have a great day!

  10. I love that precious little bunny! You are so good at stitching! Love the signs of Spring too! Take care!

  11. Love the little bunny. I was going to make an Easter themed table runner and then never got to it. Good to hear that Mike is coming along nicely. Here's hoping Spring arrives soon.

  12. Our best wishes to Mike. Tony is a 4 time cancer survivor and has been cancer free for 15 years now so tell Mike there are lots of positive stories like Tony's. Treatment is getting better and better all the time.
    You have been keeping busy which is the best therapy. Love those reds in your Book Club blocks, Diann. I watched Atypical too. Haven't seen the English Game but will look for it. Thanks for mentioning.

  13. What a great post, Diann! Full of good things. I do like that little bunny. We started watching Atypical a while back, then got distracted. The English Game is on our possibility list too. That rainbow spinner would be a fun thing to see at this time of year too, a little cheer coming from your garden. I need to add that book to my list!

  14. We've started to watch the English Game as well. Love your bunny with those little flowers. I hope Mike continues to heal well.

  15. I love your spinner! I'm so glad Mike continues to do well. It's good to do some things just for pure enjoyment, like your book and the embroidery and the TV series. We really like English shows but my husband really has trouble understanding them with their thick accents. Sometimes I have to serve as an interpreter for him - lol!

  16. Best wishes to your hubby. Love that pink bunny and the rainbow spinner. How cheery!
    Happy Easter

  17. I started The English Game yesterday while I was stitching up my last batch of face masks for the week. I didn't actually 'watch' it, but just listened. I think I should back and actually watch it, lol. Happy Easter wishes and blessings for you!

  18. Very cute little bunny. I'm looking for some new things to watch on Netflix, I'll have to check out both of your new favorites.
