Monday, March 2, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #27

Welcome to March!  I'm ready for Spring - aren't you?!  Since it snowed at our house Sunday evening, I'm saying March came in like a lion, and will go out like a lamb.  Fingers crossed!

I had a good week of getting the things done that were on my list!

Still keeping up with the daily embroidery.  This week we worked on most of the top design, and it has really added to the whole piece.

The hardest stitches are yet to come, but that's almost all that's left.  Hope I can get them to work... I may end up substituting a different stitch that I can do without frustration, because why get frustrated over embroidery?!

I also finished up my February Color Challenge block, so two are finished for the year so far.

I made two blocks to send off to Covered in Love.  My goal was three, but right when I was set to work on the third one, my mom called needing help with her tax info, and I had to make helping her my priority.  So two blocks, it was!

I did also work on my February projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  You can see more about them in this post.

So, what's on this week's list?

1.  More daily embroidery - I think we might be finishing it up this week!

2.  Teal is the color for March in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and I've already started playing with it.  These are the top sections of the tree blocks I'm making.  They need to be trimmed and the trunk sections added.

3.  And since I'd like to join in with the new Hand-Pieced QAL with Patty and Kristin, I really should finish up the last block for a hand-pieced project of my own design that I've been working on.

That last embroidered block just needs its HST border - the pieces are all cut for that and ready to go.

I'm sure I will work on other things, but these will be top of the list.  Have a great week, everyone!  Sharing at To-Do Tuesday at Home Sewn by Us


  1. Lovely stitching on the daily embroidery piece. I am starting to work on my teals; I have only a very few pieces in that box...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. You've been busy! Your embroidery is really cute. I like that pattern you did for the CIL blocks. Your embroidery/HST project is so pretty!.
    We've had no lion here in Texas, just muggy and warm - ugh. :)

  3. you have a lot of projects going on for sure - I'm not sure which I like best!!

  4. Hi Diann! Oh yes, mom definitely is a priority over CiL blocks. I know Kat will enjoy those that you are sending - I'm looking forward to seeing how she puts them together. Oh, now that it's March she'll probably have a new collection - I'll have to check it out. I love how your embroidery is turning out - and definitely no stress over it. That takes all the fun out! Finally, I think your hand pieced project is just fab. The HSTs surrounding the embroidery blocks really let them shine. Good luck with this week's list. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Looks like you have great projects to keep you going! I love your blue project.

  6. I'm sure your mom appreciated the help, and now you deserve some fun sewing projects. Looks like you have them toggled up and ready to go. I'm liking that teal, and the inchies too! I might even sneak in the next Color Challenge block before I leave, but I probably should pack instead!

  7. Fabulous job, lots of happiness going on. I'm sure your mother is very appreciative of your help with the taxes. I actually helped mo mother get her tax info sorted, scanned, and sent off to my brother to prepare. Our quilting may be our core, but family matters most.

  8. The embroidery looks gorgeous! Good luck with your to do list!
