Friday, January 10, 2020

Measuring Progress in Inches

That is, inches of borders to be cut and sewn!

It always takes me awhile to get this step of a quilt done - adding borders.  It requires careful measuring and cutting.  You know - precision!  But I did get the two inch gray borders added to Tiny Tuesday this week and I'm glad I decided to do them.

A few of you had recommended adding the gray border as a way to have some space between the blocks and the edges of the quilt, and you were so right!

The colorful blocks definitely float in the gray sashing this way! 
It's now measuring about 53 x 60.

Showing off my green blocks just because it's green month in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge -

Today's job is to get all the layers ready for basting so quilting can begin!  Meanwhile, a few more inches of tiny rails were sewn together this week, too.

Just this last block to finish up and then I'll sew the blocks together.

For lots more scrappy green inspiration, check out ScrapHappy Saturday at SoScrappy


  1. Wow, so pretty! This border is a lovely finish for your quilt. Can't wait to see it quilted ;)

  2. Every time I see your Tiny Tuesday quilt (top), I like it more and more. Such fun! Are you going to hand quilt it? This was one project that I printed and saved some of the block patterns for but haven't done anything with yet; maybe it should be part of my RSC2020.

  3. The grey boarder sets it off beautifully. Finishing up another RSC project as well. Great job.

  4. Your Tiny Tuesday Sampler Turned out beautifully! The final border was definitely a good idea. Hope you get to play with more scraps today.

  5. Yes to the grey border - I love it!
    I am considering the RSC2020 Challenge but have a question about it (received no reply yet from So Scrappy) - do you post what you've done with the color once a month or every Saturday or what?

  6. I just love this quilt top! What will the final dimensions be? The idea of the blocks just floating like that is so appealing! Have a great day!

  7. the gray border is just what it needed - the colors all balance out so well and not too close the edge - perfect!

  8. You are amazing, all those tiny bits would drive me mad.

  9. WOW--teeney tiny for sure--and just gorgeous...hugs, Julierose

  10. Your Tiny Tuesday quilt is beautiful!!! I need to find out more about Tiny Tuesday!!

  11. Your Tiny Tuesday is gorgeous and very elegant looking. That gray background was a perfect choice. Congrats to you!

  12. Love that floaty look! It's a bright rainbow against the rain clouds :)

  13. Floating those blocks was SEW the way to go for this top, Diann!!!

  14. What a delightful finish, Diann! Love the look of that TT quilt!

  15. Great job with this quilt Dianne. Adding borders has given me grief in the past - they have added a wave to the quilt and made me crazy. But I have been reading up on it and got some good tips on how to measure the quilt to decide on the length of the border. Hoping to conquer this issue. Your top looks so perfect!

  16. What fun to see all your RSC 2019 sampler blocks assembled! I agree, the extra border was a great idea. I haven't decided if my sampler blocks are finished or if I will make some more for a larger quilt. For now, they're "marinating"!

  17. Your Tiny Tuesday quilt is beautiful. The border definitely was spot on. Now I'm curious to how you plan on quilting it. Even though mine isn't put together yet, I've been thinking about it. Great job!

  18. The narrow border making the tiny Tuesday blocks float was a great solution.Now on to the quilting.

  19. Your TT is my favorite. I love how it is turning out. It is time for you to start something new - you are wrapping up a lot of projects.
