Saturday, January 11, 2020

How to chase a squirrel...

Start with a pile of 2.5 inch squares that have been sitting on your cutting table.

Add in odds and ends of leftover creamy neutrals from your solids drawer.

Start making nine patches... 

Meanwhile, while blog reading, come across a project that you just can't get out of your mind, this pretty quilt made by Deb of Happy to Be Scrappy. (The first quilt in that post.)

Inspired by Deb's quilt, I needed to make some appliqued hearts.  After reading through a couple of tutorials online, I arrived at this method to prep the hearts for stitching.

Freezer paper template

Starch on the back to help iron down the raw edge.

Another heart ready to stitch!  I've been working on these each 
evening this week for my slow-stitching time.

And so far, up on the design wall:

I'm not sure where this is headed, maybe just a Valentine tablerunner for February, or maybe something bigger.  That's how squirrels are - you never know where they'll end up!

Sharing over at Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap! and 
at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.

Edited to add:  It's the end of the month now, but these hearts and nine patches are still on my design wall, looking like this - 

Evidently this little squirrel has moved in permanently!

Sharing at Sandra's January DrEAMi link-up.


  1. Great title! I have those days too! The heart quilt will be lovely and love them combined with the nine patches! Have a great day!

  2. that will be a nice valentine topper if you continue to runner size or just have it be one big patch

  3. That is turning out really cute. I love the hearts with the nine-patches!

  4. What a great quilt you are making! Happy to inspire. I am itching to make another one....but need to finish up a few things first. Maybe in May again I'll do another heart a day....

  5. Great way to use up scrappy cuts...I know what you mean about getting "enveloped" by an idea...frog hopping around myself...hugs, Julierose

  6. What a cheerful, bright little squirrel! And smart, too, thinking ahead to Valentine's Day. Have fun this week!

  7. Well isn't that a fun project!! I totally forgot about the freezer paper and starch method. Something I have not done in years! This is going to be an adorably cute 'whatever' quilt!!

  8. I like the hearts and nine patches... which got my creative juices going... what if you did the nine patches scrappy (like this first one you did) and then made the hearts in whatever is the RSC2020 color of the month... DARN SQUIRREL!!!

  9. The hearts and nine patches make a very effective pattern. It is good to have machine and hand sewing to chose from.

  10. Very pretty and girly...unlike a real squirrel!!

  11. Well, that's a cute little squirrel! I've been shutting the door on my squirrels, since I need to get some deadline projects done. That doesn't mean they haven't been taunting me, however! Haha!

  12. I absolutely understand the 'I can't get it out of my head' ! This is looking great though and I'm trying to resist two squirrels at the moment......wonder how long for?

  13. I've been looking for ways to use some nine patches and have seen a number of these heart pieces. So cute! I love the happy colors you're using. Since I'm not an applique gal, I'll admire this pattern from afar :)

  14. Scrap happiness, for sure! Pretty!

  15. You have certainly imagined those little scraps into a beautiful project. They look fabulous showcasing those pretty hearts.

  16. Oh those little hearts are sweet! Preturning the seams really makes for fun stitching too!

  17. I wish I had the time and energy to play around with the items that I see on many blogs. I love the hearts that you are playing with. The nine-patch is pretty too.

  18. Your nine patches and applique hearts go together so nicely. Wonder how this pretty project will end up?

  19. So very charming! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  20. What a darling little piece! And your title ... LOL! Perfect! :)

  21. Sweet squirrel!
    (And you can never tell how big a squirrel will be until it fully takes up residence, eh?)

  22. Cute little project. I heart it so. Oh wait did you see that other squirrel...

  23. A very pretty squirrel! But totally justified cause it uses up some of those scraps. Looking forward to seeing what it grows up to be.

  24. That is a squirrel i could live with!! ha ha - that is so cute!

  25. Hi Diann! Just curious . . . what if my 2.5" squares aren't sitting on my cutting table??!! I could start this squirrel project if only the squares were sitting on my cutting table. HAHAHA! I am just kidding - that struck me as so funny. LOVE these hearts with the nine-patch blocks. So cute! ~smile~ Roseanne
