Monday, December 16, 2019

To-Do Tuesday #16

Good morning, friends!  December is rolling along, isn't it?  Have you been thinking you were all caught up and ready, and then realized there are several things you had forgotten about that still need to be done?  That is me this week!

On last week's to-do list:

1.  Keep up with the Temecula Quilt Company's Tiny Tree sew-along.  ✔  Yes, I did!  More about that in a minute!

2.  My son came for a Christmas visit and it was a lovely time!   ✔  Favorite activities, meals, and good conversations kept us very busy!

3.  Christmas cards are done - whoo hoo!  ✔  The only problem we ran into there is that we could have used about 5 more than we bought, so a few people haven't been sent one yet.  Oops!  Maybe they won't even notice...

So, what's on this week's list?

1.  I thought of a few more people I'd like to make small gifts for, and I think I will try making some of the soup bowl cozies.  I've never made them before!  If you have, do you have a favorite method or tutorial to share?  I found this one on Quilting is more fun than Housework the other day.  I do have the Pellon Wrap and Zap batting for them.

2.  Finish my Tiny Tree!  The top is made and layers basted, just need to quilt and bind.

3.  Make some blocks for Covered in Love's November/December block drive.  I pulled some fabrics yesterday and cut enough for one block.  I like to make at least three.  These will be good as leaders and enders.

4.  Bake some cookies!  I haven't done that yet, and we'll be seeing younger son this coming weekend, so it would be fun to have some to take to him.

Hope your week is getting off to a good start, and you're not feeling too overwhelmed with the holiday to-do list.  I'm sharing at Roseanne's To-Do Tuesday link-up at Home Sewn by Us.


  1. That tiny tree is so cute! I've been making bowl cozies to gift some of our neighbors along with a jar of 3-2-1 cake mix. I think I have 11 cozies made and 7 more to make - which I'll be doing today and tomorrow. I don't have a particular favorite technique for making them; I think most of the free patterns for them have all read pretty much the same.

  2. That tiny tree is adorable! Never made a bowl cozy, so I need to get on the bandwagon. What kind of cookies will you make?

  3. I am using the same tutorial for bowl cozies -- IF I find to do them in the hours remaining before we head West. I think the main "issue" with them will be handling all the thickness.

  4. Your Tiny Tree is great! I like that your greens are bright and happy. Will it be a wall hanging or maybe a pillow cover? Thank you for making blocks for Covered in Love :)

  5. I keep thinking of making the soup cozie's and never do - let me know if you thought they were fun and easy to make

  6. Your tiny tree is adorable!!! You will have it done in no time. I use this tut for my cozies, prefer the smaller size myself.

  7. Hi Diann! I have a tutorial on my blog but can do them from memory now. 10" squares of fabric, 9" wrap 'n zap - sew and x and a + sign through both layers. The darts are 2" x .5" on each side, then right side together - leave an opening - flip and top stitch around. Easy peasy! I still need to make cookies myself, and some CiL blocks. Love your tree! Thank you for linking up and have fun with your son this weekend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. I checked out the tute you mentioned. Seemed good to me! I think the trick is like Roseanne said, batting a little smaller than the fabric. I also have a friend that swears that all cotton batting is better than wrap and zap because it is a tiny bit thinner!
    My only hint is make sure you use all cotton thread. I didn’t once, it melted! No fire just ugly!

  9. Oh, that tiny tree!!! I think I see a squirrel in my sewing room. :o))

  10. Your tiny tree came out cute. I have decided I am a tiny tree stalker, I keep looking for posts of people who made one and loving all of the variety.

  11. Oh and your bowl cozies a couple of friends have rounded the corners and they are very nice looking.

  12. I so enjoy seeing what you are up to, Diann. As for the cozies, this is the pattern I use. I don't put Wrap & Zap in, because I don't have it on hand. I just use regular batting and tell the giftee not to put it in the micro. I just grab my bowl from the micro and plop it in the cozy. Defeats the purpose a bit, I know. :-)

  13. I made the bowl cozies several years ago and then I wrote a tutorial for making the same thing for plates here: This way our laps don't get burned with those plates and if we choose to sit in the dining room, my fingers don't burn getting the plates there!!

  14. - they actually have 10 different things to make for the microwave!! Even a splatter guard!!

  15. Cute Tiny Tree! I've looked at the Tiny Tree quilt along a few times. It's adorable. Just not enough time this go around for me. How nice for you to have your son home for a visit. And bowl cozies, great gift idea. Merry Christmas!

  16. Love your tiny tree project, it's very cute! Good luck with your hand made gifts. My plan for today is to get the Christmas tree up. The SIT has friends coming to help her decorate it. That should be fun.

  17. I love your tiny tree, what a fun project to get you in the Chrostmas spirit without making a huge quilt.
