Monday, November 11, 2019

To-Do Tuesday #12

Good morning, friends!  I'm checking in with Roseanne at Home Sewn by Us for To-Do Tuesday again this week.

In last week's To-Do list:

1.  Finish Almost Amish. ✔  Yes, done!

2/3.  Make some progress on a couple of Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  ✔  Progress is always good, right?!  The Tiny Tuesday blocks are about ready to be sewn into rows, and I'm feeling so much better about Scrappy Sprouts, too.  I decided on a different way to make the sky section, and it involves lots of 2.5 inch squares, something like this:

So, there's lots of cutting to be done this week!

4.  I finished my Book Club book, yay!  We had an enjoyable and interesting discussion, too.  ✔

So, for this week:

1.  More progress on RSC projects! 
  • I need to cut 144 2.5 inch squares that vary from low volume white/cream up to light blue.  I'm going to sew them as four 36 patch blocks.
  • Since I'll need my design wall to lay those squares out to determine a good mix of colors, I have to get the Tiny Tuesday blocks taken down.  Sewing them together would make a good leader/ender project.
2.  I'm participating in the Virtual Cookie Exchange blog hop for the first time ever in December, so I need to get that project started.  The fabric is ready and waiting!

3.  I need to roast a turkey this week!  This is on my To-Do list because it's actually lots of work... Normally I would do this closer to Thanksgiving, but King Soopers had a really good sale on turkeys that was just good for Monday and Tuesday this week.  :) I'll roast the turkey on Saturday or Sunday, and then freeze a bunch of it to take when we visit our kids in Nebraska and Kansas on Thanksgiving.  Our boys are 30-something single guys, so this way no one has to cook, we just heat it all up and enjoy our time together! 

Hope your week is getting off to a good start, and your To-Do list isn't too long!


  1. I love the fabrics that you're using for the virtual cookie exchange, whatever that is. :) I also like where you're going with the 'sprout' quilt; it sounds like a good solution to a design dilemma.

  2. I was going to ask why you roast your turkey so early but you explained it - I hope you will have good weather when you travel for the holiday Thanksgiving is late this year isn't it - I don't even have any plans made for it! I imagine same old stuff here. Have fun cutting your little squares

  3. Love your Cookie Exchange fabrics. Your Thanksgiving plans sound fun. We will go to our son's house (about 50 miles away) instead of everyone coming here. I'm actually looking forward to not cooking this year!

  4. Roast turkey...yum! I'm ready for that holiday flavor. We have no oven aboard our boat, so we get our turkey fix at restaurants. There are several steak house chains that give you extras to go after your meal so you can have the traditional leftovers :)

  5. Hi Diann! Oh, I'm glad you're joining in on the Virtual Cookie Exchange. It is SO much fun. I just started thinking about my project this week, too. Your fabrics look fab! I love that red with the words on it with the green snowflakes. Pretty! Great idea about roasting the turkey ahead of time, and then taking it to your boys. That will be very much appreciated I know. 144 - 2.5' squares! Egad. That's a lot, but it will go by quickly I suspect. Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. My list is likely too long, but that's OK, I forgive myself when I fail. LOL! Love your Amish finish and can't wait to see the tiny blocks progress, no matter how slow as leaders and enders.

  7. You’ve got some pretty ambitious goals on your to do list!

  8. Turkey - nice planning! I'm looking forward to seeing your virtual cookie exchange blocks.
