Monday, August 12, 2019

To-Do Tuesday: Joining In!

When I saw that my friend, Roseanne, from Home Sewn by Us, was going to start hosting the To-Do Tuesday link-up, I thought I would join in.  It seems I always have things I want to accomplish for the week in my head, but rarely do I actually write them down!  That does result in forgetting important stuff at times!

So... this week I'm sharing a list of to-dos, and we'll see how it goes!

1.  Keep working on my embroidered baskets project.  Just one basket left to finish and then I can sew these blocks together!

2.  Keep up with the Tiny Tuesday blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Libby at Life on the Hill shared one for us last Saturday, so I stitched it up on Sunday.

Thanks, Libby!  This is a sweet little block - it still needs its sashing added.
I'll be watching to see if there is a new block shared for this week.

3.  Since my mom is visiting this week, I won't have much time at the sewing machine, but it's nice to have some hand stitching ready for when we are sitting together.  I traced a new piece from my Gail Pan book to work on.

The pattern calls for a variegated red/brown embroidery floss, which I don't have, so on the list is to go find some!

4.  I also want to cut some pieces to stitch up another couple of blocks for my blue and white project.  Since these are hand-pieced, they are also easy to work on when visiting or watching TV.

5.  Last, but probably most important, is to keep up with household needs and groceries while Mom is here, since other friends and extended family members will be in and out.  Must not forget the ingredients for a peach pie!

Have a great week, everyone!
Sharing at To-Do Tuesday at Home Sewn by Us.


  1. Your TT block is sweet! My To-Dos end up on scraps of paper -- next to the computer, on the kitchen counter, in the bathroom (my "thinking" place) -- no wonder I'm so scattered!

  2. Hi Diann! Thanks so much for linking up today! Those peaches and that peach pie . . . isn't that the whole reason for mom's visit?!! Well, maybe so you can see each other and your peeps and THEN the peach pie-making. YUM! I love your blue and white project - you've almost got another bigger block together. With so many different hand stitching projects ready for the week you won't get bored. And you'll probably get them all finished. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. have a great visit with your mom - treasure every moment!

  4. Enjoy the time with your mom! I can smell those peaches -- yum! Love your blocks and your hand stitching projects. I especially like those hand-pieced blue stars!

  5. Good luck with your list, that Peach Pie is the most important!! LOL Love your bloom quilt from yesterday.

  6. Those embroidered baskets are adorable! You have some cute stitching ready to go. I should get some prepped, also. Peach pie! Sounds delish!!!

  7. Sounds like a very doable list. Peach pie sounds good. My Guy made peach ice cream last weekend and it was yummy!

  8. Good luck with your list! Lists have been part of my life for decades; they make me happy. :D Most of all, enjoy your Mom and that pie!
