Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I Like Thursday #146 - early morning and other things

Happy Thursday, friends!  Hope you're having a great week!  Thanks for visiting my I Like Thursday post, and don't forget to check out the other posts in our weekly blog hop hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.

I was up early Monday morning,  and enjoyed my first sip out on our back porch where it was nice and cool.

It was lovely to watch the sky lighten and the world wake up!

Most every morning there are bunnies in the yard.  This little guy was having some breakfast!

In other likes this week - Colorado peaches are here, and so yummy!

My mom is coming for her August visit next week, 
so that means there is a peach pie in my future!  :)

I enjoyed a little fabric shopping this week, and found just the right thing for my basket embroidery project.

Here's a peek at my plan - 

There will be 5 baskets and 4 alternate blocks, plus a border to make a small wall-hanging.  Just a little more embroidery needed to finish up the basket blocks.
Sharing these at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.

And finally, this sign greeted us at our Starbucks yesterday - 

That's us!   I like a business where the people greet you by name when you come in and are always friendly and welcoming!

That's it for this post - thanks, again, for visiting!


  1. LOL you must be in Starbucks often for them to remember your name! what a cute sign. Have a good visit with your mom

  2. You've found perfect fabrics to border your lovely basket embroideries...
    And those peaches look fantastic--yum peach pie...have another wonderful week ahead hugs, Julierose

  3. "Easing into the day" is what I call my morning tryst with nature. Enjoy an extra piece of pie for me!

  4. What a great way to start your day. Love the Starbucks sign. Have a great weekend.

  5. Oh I love how you are doing your basket project. Darn but you are making me want to hand emb. again!! I might have to dig through my patterns and pick something to work on for a few camping trips:) You are celebrities in your starbucks-how cool is that!

  6. Your basket project looks awesome. Enjoy the bunnies, I have a bunch too. LOL you are known by name at Starbucks? Enjoy your visit with mom. Which reminds me I need to make a lemon meringue pie for my dad.

  7. Hi Diann! How cool is that about Starbuck's recognizing you and Mike??!!! Love that! And Colorado peaches are just the BEST. My mom and I would stalk the grocery store until they had them, and we'd buy a flat case of them. We'd whip home and eat some right away, and then we'd get to peeling and such. Peach jam, peach pie but the best was peaches on Frosty Flakes for breakfast. YUM! What a wonderful memory. Makes my mouth water. I'll have to be on the lookout for them here. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. How cool is it that Starbucks knows your name, and your preferred drinks of choice! I've always thought that would be fun. Your little visiting bunnies are darling, and your quilt plan and fabrics are so nice. Peach pie, and a visit from your mom -- what could be better?!

  9. so cool that you're starbucks stars! The peaches are good, never made a peach pie but it sounds delish. cute bunnies are all over, they flatten out when they see Milo, turn into rocks but he always knows

  10. What a sweet sign! Oh my those peaches look fine. I like your idea on the baskets wall hanging. Sweet.

  11. I like the sound of "nice and cool" on your back porch. :)
    Your basket wall hanging is going to be precious.
    What a nice surprise for you at Starbucks! You guys are kind of celebrities. ;)
    Please torture us with a photo of your Mom's peach pie when she makes it, and have a great visit with her.

  12. Cute bunny!!! Great idea for your baskets. And how awesome, you are Rock Stars!! At least in your local coffee shop. LOL

  13. How fun about the coffee shop! We've had a good summer for peaches in this part of the world too- I just ate one for an afternoon snack. I've never made a peach pie though, that sounds delicious!

  14. Bunny! You got a great photo. Those peaches look delicious. Pretty little blocks. I love the welcome you got at Starbucks. It's nice to find a place they know you so well.

  15. Diann, you two are famous! That is fun.
    Meanwhile loving the plan for those sweet little embroideries. And yea to Moms and their peach good I'm sure. I'm envious!

  16. I love the fabrics you chose for your basket quilt! They look spectacular!!! That bunny is adorable! LOL! Love that you and your hubby are chosen to be honored for your coffee choices! That's awesome! :D

  17. What a wonderful morning you had! Great way to meet the day! Love your fabrics. Perfect for your embroidery. Peaches are the best this time of year. Enjoy!

  18. I love peach pie. When I stopped at the farm stand on Friday, they still didn't have local peaches, just some shipped in from PA. Love the Starbucks greeting. Just like Cheers, where everyone knows your name (and favorite brew). We've got bunnies, too. They are cute when they stay in the grass and out of the garden.

  19. Those fabrics are great for those baskets. I like your little bunny visitor and your Starbucks sign.

  20. Love your basket embroidery project. Those fabrics are perfect!

  21. Isn't it great that you have a plan coming together for the basket blocks?!?
    And also great when you get good customer service! It's rare!

  22. Cute, cute, cute! Enjoy that peach pie. I bought peaches this past yummy.
