Saturday, August 3, 2019

August Blooms

I have a small flower garden in my front yard that is taken over by marigolds this time of year.

It really is very pretty and, as the month goes on, smells better and better!

This week I decided it was time to finish up my Scrap Dance Minuet tabletopper, and I realized that the fabric it's made of really reminds me of my marigold garden in August.

While I was choosing fabric to piece the backing, I noticed that there were several 2.5 inch wide strips leftover from piecing the top, and I decided to make a small topper, just the right size for the little chest that sits in my front entryway.

I pieced together some batting scraps, 

and did a simple "quilt as you go" design using these strips.

Just for fun, I added some decorative stitching on each of the strips!

Here's my little finish, perfect for August!

Meanwhile, the original August Blooms project is spray basted, marked with my Hera marker, and quilting started!

Wow, that orange looks bright!  It really isn't that bright - 
still figuring out the new camera...

More about finishing up August Blooms later on this week!

Sharing at Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap!


  1. What a great use for those pretty scraps! I look forward to seeing your completed table topper. I love the colors; they are a nice transition into fall.
    Our marigolds and zinnias are thriving in spite of the heat and dryness, or maybe because of it?

  2. How fun! Did you remember that those fabrics were the blogger bundle I did for Bernie last August? I'll be bringing my placemats out this week for a new August table using those same fabrics.

  3. love your table topper - simple but makes a bright statement! I forgot to plant marigolds this year.

  4. Your table topper and the quilt really do channel the spirit of those marigolds. All three are pretty. Hope you get in lots of stitching time this next week.

  5. I love marigolds! How fun to have them take over your yard. Sweet table runner. The coordinating quilt is looking beautiful as well!

  6. Marigolds really do say, "The heat of summer," don't they? Yours are so healthy and pretty! The perfect inspiration for your cute table topper. I love that you did the strips on the diagonal with QAYG :)

  7. This is the first year in a decade that I planted a marigold flower. I don't know why it took so long as they are beautiful and so easy to grow! Your Bloom quilt is gorgeous and I can't wait to see the quilt completed!!

  8. Your little chest table topper was real serendipity. It looks so cute with the marigolds straight from the garden. The quilt top in that pattern is going to be very lovely summery goodness.

  9. What a great topper! You sure have been busy in the sewing room.

  10. What a wonderful riot of color! Can't wait to see the blooms top done.

  11. I love marigolds! Your topper is perfect with them :)

  12. Love your marigolds! I have a few that volunteer in my flower beds every year, but they aren't the pretty ones. I planted some better looking ones in hopes they would cross with my ugly volunteers. We'll see if they do next year.

  13. You're right, those fabrics do look like marigold colors. What a fun little quilt, and a fun diversion amidst the fun of another project! Love the look of it on your table!

  14. Your vase of marigolds look great on your lovely scrappy table topper. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  15. I bought a half flat of marigolds from the Boy Scouts this spring (along with some zinnias and two fuchsia hanging baskets). I just deadheaded them tonight and my hands still smell like marigolds. Your table topper turned out well and used up some scraps, so that's a bonus.

  16. That's a great Summer table topper! Marigolds are one of my favorite garden flowers!

  17. I love that little topper and the big piece too! Your colors are wonderful and such pretty marigolds! Well done!

  18. I love piecing together leftover batting to use in a new project. Just makes sense to me! Your topper turned out to be so lovely!

  19. What a cute little topper for your entryway. So nice when you can make a new seasonal decoration, just the right size, just the right color. I love the color of marigolds, also! But alas, my nose does not like them. I sneeze my head off when I am around them, so I don't plant them. I could make a table topper in those colors though! What a great idea, off to check out my scraps!

  20. Beautifil table topper, and great use of scraps. I like your decorative stitching. Love the marigolds too.
