Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I Like Thursday #132 - inside and out

Mother Nature played one of her Spring tricks on us this week.   We have had some gorgeous weather in recent weeks, including this past Sunday when we were outside much of the day, working on the yard and cleaning up our deck so we can start using it.

This was my view on Sunday afternoon.

The blossoms on our Spring Snow Crabapple tree (without the apples!), finally started opening up!

In full bloom, this tree is so beautiful!

Then Monday morning, the snow started.

And here was the view on Tuesday - 

I can't complain about the moisture, which is always needed here in dry Colorado.  And I do love any excuse to wrap up in one of my quilts and read the afternoon away.  But finally today, Wednesday, the clouds are breaking up and the sun and blue sky are making an appearance again!  Yay!

Speaking of interesting books, I checked this one out of the library last week.

I didn't really know anything about Gwen Marston until I started reading tributes to her on people's blogs last week.  

I've already been learning more as I read and leaf through, looking at her interesting style and her amazing quilts.  I'd like to dig through my solid scraps and maybe play with some liberated log cabins.

Down in my sewing room, I have been loving my design wall!  It's really the best thing we did when we painted and rearranged in January.  It's just batting stapled to the wall, but such a nice large space - so useful!

I've been having fun playing with my Floral Sawtooth Star project this week - I haven't gotten this one out in awhile.

Thanks for visiting my I Like Thursday post today!  Check out lots of other bloggers and see what they have to share over at LeeAnna's place, Not Afraid of Color.


  1. Ohmygosh--SNOW??? STILL?? We have been in the "Shades of Gray" weather here...Do you think Mr. Sun is really still up there?;))) hugs, Julierose

  2. Oh snow! You have an awesome attitude about it though. Love your design wall!

  3. Looking forward to seeing more of your floral stars.

  4. We had a little bit of snow recently too, even though it snowed most of the day, it was all gone by noon the next day.

  5. snow still? wow - it just doesn't want to quit. I love your backyard so nice - and those colorful wind catchers - whirly gigs? I'm not sure the right name for them. I have never made a Gwen quilt and heard a little of her but never got into her style I guess as I have none of her books.

  6. yes to loving your design wall! I like when it is cleared off of a project, and I run a sticky roller over to pick up threads. Then I like seeing one with a project building. For once we just got a flurry with no accumulation. I admit I like the colder air it brought, as it had gotten too warm to sleep at night all of a sudden.
    your backyard view is always pretty. Please come help me decide how to make my yard a haven too.

  7. More Snow?? That's crazy. But, oh those blossoms on your crabapple tree!
    I'm likin the quilt on th4e cover of Gwen's book. She was so talented and her work will go on for many generations.mary

  8. Lovely design wall! We have had the same weather here in Utah. Our snow melted yesterday, thank goodness.

  9. SEW glad I'm not the one living in Colorado!! Today, it's 85 degrees and as sunny as your lovely Sawtooth Star quilt!!

  10. Luckily, your snow will be very short lived. We have had a lot of rain but a promise of sun after this weekend. So spring is soggy so far.
    That book by Gwen is a really good one and I'm so glad you got inspired by her; with your piecing skills, Diann, you could make beautiful liberated blocks. Gwen's message to enjoy the process is such a great one.

  11. Love you floral Sawtooth star. It's just gorgeous! Gwen Marston certainly left her mark on quilting. I live in the northeast where spring hasn't really sprung yet but no snow! Hope the weather gets better for both of us!

  12. Hi Diann! Oh those crabapple blossoms . . . those are my very favorite. That book by Gwen Marston looks interesting. Interesting title of the book too - liberated huh?! AND those sawtooth stars - they all look fabulous. That is my favorite block hands down! I can't wait to see this all finished or a closeup of the fabrics and quilting eventually. Love it! ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. Both those views are beautiful but I do prefer the one with the green and tree blossoming. Snow makes me think of Christmas and I'm not quite ready for that again. Have a wonderful Thursday!

  14. It's been like the winter that never ends this year, hasn't it?? We're still waiting for warm weather here; this week has been chilly and rainy. I have a sad story about that book. It was given to me by a family member. It has disappeared, and I think it may have mistakenly been recycled :-( I'm so bummed. Enjoy it; it's a good one!

  15. I'm envious of your nice, big design wall! But not of your yard full of snow :)

  16. Snow! Eek! Your design wall looks lovely.

  17. Well at least you're never bored with your weather! Lol!
    I love your design wall. I think batting is the best for that. I've tried flannel and felt but always come back to batting.
    Love your Floral Stars!

  18. Love the design wall, and the quilt blocks.

  19. Oh I hope the buds were not affected by the non-seasonal snow. When I see Gwen Marston's work, it looks like she was the Modern Quilter before the movement became popular. Design Walls are a life-saver!!!

  20. Spring can be so fickle. We didn't get the snow, but we did get lots and lots of rain. Have fun with your new and old projects this weekend.

  21. Hello, Diann ... Every day I wake up and it is gray and gloomy and then it rains and pours into the night and I am grumbly. Then I see these May snow photos and make note to self about how much I like rain. May you soon be out in the sun in your yard. Interesting book. Like the sawtooth star quilt on your design wall ... :) Pat

  22. We had snow like that last year and it was just enough to damage the flowers in our local orchards, really a bummer. I am wishing you CONSISTENT warm and pleasant weather! I love your star quilt and I envy you the design wall (my sewing room is in the attic, I dont really have straight walls). Have a wonderful week!

  23. The yard looks great! Shame about the snow ..... hope you don’t lose the blossoms! We keep having late frosts here, and most years we lose the blossoms from our apple tree.
    Nice design wall. Your quilt is looking great!
    Barbara xx

  24. Your crabapple tree is so pretty! Did the snow/freeze kill the blossoms? I hope not! I sympathize with the need for moisture; we're in a drought prone place too, and while I'm grateful it's been a wet spring I'm getting tired of the mud....
