Saturday, December 1, 2018

Early Christmas Gifts

I'm going to be seeing my mom and one of my sisters this week, so I thought it would be a good idea to bring them a little something Christmas-y!

After finishing up the Gail Pan "Joy to the World" embroidery earlier this week,

I decided to turn it into a little pillow for my mom.

This festive red fabric that I found on our Thanksgiving trip became a border for the embroidery.

This photo makes the red look a lot brighter than it really is.

A little bit of quilting, both by hand and by machine, holds the layers together.

This is more true to the actual color - dark red!

I used the same fabric for an envelope backing.

And voila!

I also made one of the other embroidered pieces that I finished into a mini quilt tor my sister.

Borders, backing, quilting, and binding - it all went together really quickly!

I'm going to have to trace a couple more of these sweet designs to work on - they're kind of addicting, and I might as well keep going on them!

Happy Sunday stitching to all!  
Sharing at Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap and
at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. Those are both so CUTE!! You did a great job on them and I think the pillow and small wall hanging were great ideas.

  2. Your RW projects turned out super duper! The pillow really reminded me of all the ones I did for the craft shows several years ago. I loved sitting watching TV while stitching them. Mine were more primitive embroidery and went pretty fast. They were mostly snowmen ones-go figure!!

  3. I dearly love both of your projects. I still have that book on my wishlist! Do you use any kind of hoop or frame to hold your fabric while you stitch?
    Have a great visit with your Mom and sister. :)

  4. I love them! I keep telling myself I need to make some Gail Pan designs into pillows for the Xmas season - what I have on the couch totally doesn't go with Xmas!! next year of course - I must look at the designs now though and put them on the bulletin board so I will remember

  5. They both turned out so good! I like that you made the one into a pillow and it's especially nice that you gifted both! Somethings are addicting! I am addicted to working on EPP projects at night!

  6. Lucky family! Both of those projects turned out so well. Beautiful!

  7. Oh, I hope you do continue with your embroideries! These are wonderful! Your mother and sister are going to be thrilled!
    (And I've got a book of cute snowmen embroidery patterns that I now want to dig out and start making stitcheries of my own, thanks to you!)

  8. Very nice finishes. They make great gifts. I have the Christmas book out of the library and would love to make some of these, but can't figure out how to trace them without damaging the book. I can't use my light box. What did you use for your background fabric?

  9. What lovely gifts for loved ones! Great job!

  10. Love the finishes! These are wonderful gifts!

  11. Beautiful! Your mother and sisters are going to be very happy with their gifts.

  12. Lovely. I'm sure your mum and sister will love them and yes they are addictive!

  13. Both of these projects are so sweet! They made such lovely gifts obviously made with love. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. How adorable!! They will love these gifts.

  15. Who wouldn't want to receive such sweet little gifties? I love seasonal decor like this :)

  16. I just love your gail pan embroidery pieces .. you do a fab job on them! I am pondering joining her January quilt along.. pondering! lol
    I love how you made one a pillow and one a mini quilt.. both turned out amazing ... I am sure they will be loved and appreciated by your family!

  17. Your red-work pieces came out beautifully. I love how you finished them.

  18. Beautiful gifts for your family. It gives me a lot of pleasure to make gifts for friends and family. These will be treasured, I am sure!

  19. So cute, and thoughtful gifts! Hope you enjoy your time together!

  20. The pillow turned out beautifully! So did the mini quilt. Love how your version of Squared away is coming together.

  21. Lovely redwork projects! And they sure made wonderful gifts.

  22. I'm lovin those red work gifts. Soooo pretty.
