Friday, February 9, 2018

Project Quilting Challenge 9.3 - Brave and Bold

I've never thought of myself as brave or bold, but I have always admired people who are.  So when I saw this week's challenge for Project Quilting, I thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.  He certainly was a brave and bold soul who worked to make our world better.

A favorite picture book that I used to read to my students around this time of year is titled Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by Doreen Rappaport.

After rereading it the other day, I wondered if I could piece some of Martin's words into a quilt.

As brave and bold as I am NOT, this would be a good challenge for me since I have only experimented with piecing letters a tiny bit.

I pulled out a yard of a pretty blue Grunge (it's number 422, but I never could figure out a name for it) and a fat quarter of Kona Sunflower that I had stashed away for another possibility, and decided they were perfect for my idea.

To piece the letters, I cut strips of both the blue and yellow that were 1.25 inches wide and 2.5 inches wide.  Using these strips and the stitch and flip corner method, I was able to make each letter pretty simply.  That upper right corner needed something, so I added the sun - or maybe it is a sunflower!  :)

And so - Dream!

It measures about 9 x 25.

I am also inspired by the words of John Lennon - 

What do I dream of?  Oh many things - mostly that the world would be a kinder and gentler place.

Or maybe I'm just dreaming of Spring coming here to Loveland, Colorado!

Thanks, Kim and Trish, for this challenge that consumed me this week!
Sharing at Persimmon Dreams for the Project Quilting link-up,
at Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday, and
at Quilting is More Fun than Housework for Oh Scrap on Sunday.

See you there!


  1. These little minis are inspirational! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Great job! I haven't even tried letters yet; at least not this version. I'm more inclined to write words with my quilting. I like what you did - that was a bold step and, I'd say, a very successful one. :)

  3. two of my favorite people for quotes! I still remember hearing Martin Luther Kings speech and then again when he died and the funeral was on tv - I sat and watched the whole thing - what a speaker he was -- and John Lennon of course who can ever forget! I was in 6th grade when the Beetles hit the stage and was a fan to this day

  4. Very nice. Proud of you for trying!

  5. You had great inspiration! The font you created for your words is very pretty. I've been playing with words a bit this month too, but your font is much more delicate. I'll have to play a bit more now...

  6. You have a beautiful dream, both the physical quilt in your hands and the intangible one in your head. Great choice for a bold, inspiring word!

  7. What a cool post - very pretty colors too! I wish MLK was still around. :(

  8. Great way to meet the challenge. Love the colours you chose.

  9. Brave and bold is such a great challenge. Its fun to see how other interpret it. I love 'Dream'. Your lettering is perfect. I've got a word quilt on my list and MLK quotes are among the many that I'm thinking about! Also...I think we all wish we were braver or bolder...It isn't how much you are, it's that you are!

  10. I'm also dreaming of spring. I love these texts too. And your quilt is great. I've done some letters once. It was fun. Maybe I should try again?

  11. Such a wonderful and inspiring choice of words. I love the design of your letters. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. Love your lettering on your 'dream', the "m" is very cute!

  13. what a lovely piece! incredible. So happy to have you join in the fun.
