Friday, June 30, 2017

Three Cheers for Red, White, and Blue!

Having finished my yellow Rainbow Scrap Challenge sewing for June, and not yet knowing what July's color would be, I decided to do some seasonal sewing this week, and pulled out some red, white, and blue.

The family of a quilting friend who passed away last year offered her stash for those of us in her quilting group to share, and since I love fabric with stars, I knew I would enjoy making something out of this collection.  We are invited up to my SIL's cabin this weekend, and I thought this would be the perfect fabric to make her a little something to say thanks for the invite.

After cutting some 2.5 by WOF strips into 4.5 inch bricks, I sewed them into a red, white, and blue table runner that I think will work nicely for a mountain cabin.  It measures about 17 x 29.

It was fun to pretend to decorate my own table for the holiday weekend with this table runner!

Of course, since I am in that "one thing leads to another" mode lately, I couldn't put the scraps from this project away and move on to something else, so I decided to keep going with red, white, and blue, and ended up with this little mini to keep for my house.

It was fun to start with, "I wonder if I could..." and end up with a (sort of) flag!  Since taking this photo, I've finished the quilting and will be stitching the binding down this evening while watching a little TV.

Have a fun and safe holiday weekend!  I'll be sharing this at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday and on Sunday at Oh Scrap over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.


  1. Love both projects! You are really stretching your wings.

  2. Love both projects---but especially that flowing flag--very nice hugs, Julierose

  3. I love the simplicity of the table runner but I love the flag quilt! It's moving! Happy 4th of July!

  4. Oh, oh, oh I love this flag!!!! Seriously it is wonderful. So that's your freeform curve sewing?

  5. Love these projects with the patriotic theme and colours. You are such a neat(as in good!) quilter.
    I loved your list of likes and checked out the fritillary butterflies we get here. Learned something new!
    I have never seen a yellow headed blackbird but apparently we get them here too. Would love to see one. I love seeing our red winged blackbirds.
    I'm so envious of your lettuce growing. We are having so much rain, everything growing is starting to suffer.
    Hope your 4th won't be as sodden as our Canada is!

  6. What great projects and so appropriate for this holiday weekend! Enjoy the trip to the cabin.

  7. great curvy one! Have you heard about the group collecting welcome to America 40" quilts to give to immigrants? We reflect the saying on the statue of liberty
    "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...

  8. Both of your projects are inspiring and fun! I may have to copy you and do a patriotic table runner. And that flag is just so darn cute!!

  9. Lovely gift to take for a fun weekend. The flag is really clever. Good use of the fabric.

  10. I love that runner and would be so tempted to keep it for myself!
    Did you improv that flag? My gosh it's gorgeous! I would keep it up year-round. :)

  11. Those curved seams look fabulous. One thing leads to another can lead to lots of fun. Enjoy your time at the cabin. Sounds like fun!

  12. Great RWB projects! Wishing you a Festive Fourth!

  13. both cute, but how did you do the curved flag stripes?

  14. Two perfect projects for the holiday weekend. I too really like the flag-your curve piecing looks perfect. Nice work! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  15. I love your flag! It is always so much fun to work on holiday projects as a celebration.

  16. I too love your flag...especially the wonky star. Please stop by and share it at my linky: Tuesday Archive this coming week on the 4th....V:)

  17. Two great projects with a wonderful lead in to July's colour.

  18. I love your wavy flag! It turned out beautifully. :D
