Wednesday, June 28, 2017

I Like Thursday #36 - Inside and Outside

Welcome to I Like Thursday, sponsored by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!  I look forward to checking out the weekly posts written by the positive thinking community we've created here, and invite you to join us!

My first like of the week - all of you who commented on my question about whether or not to put water in my new iron.  Thanks for your input!  It seems that most people DON'T put water in their irons anymore, and use a spray bottle for spritzing the fabric instead, so that's what I've decided to do, too.  So far, that's working just fine!

I like going out to my garden and harvesting fresh lettuce for a delicious dinner salad!  Because our backyard is so shady, it's one of the few vegetables I can grow out there!

If you've read some of my previous I Like Thursday posts, you know that my husband and I like to explore the natural areas and open spaces that communities around northern Colorado have developed for all of us to enjoy.  Saturday, we went to a new one to us - Soapstone Prairie Natural Area  - which we really liked.

It is truly an amazing place where you can see forever; full of wildflowers, birds, and butterflies.

We've gotten pretty good at identifying birds we see, but it was a new experience to try to identify this butterfly.  They were all over the place as we walked!

We think this is a type of Fritillary.  In researching it, I think there are 6 different types of fritillaries in Colorado, and they all look a lot alike!

On another day, we spent some time wandering around looking for yellow-headed blackbirds, and found them in a couple different open space areas.  They like to nest in the reeds by ponds, so if you know where to look, there they are!  They are beautiful birds!

Back at home, I've been sewing every day, and I really like my set of square OmniGrid Rulers that came with four different sizes.  I don't have many specialty rulers, but these have been a good purchase and I use them a lot!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you are enjoying a great week!


  1. I have one omigrid ruler I think it is 6x12? something like that and I use that and a longer ruler the most I like the omigrid most and need to get more of that kind and toss some of the others.

  2. must have somehow missed you post re the iron I do put water in if using steam for clothes ironing but tend to dry iron my blocks as they say steam and water can stretch the fabric. What a glorious place you live in would love to move away from city life. You are so good at keeping up with your blog and put me to shame as I am lazy with mine Re rulers I have some I never use when first starting quilting 4 years ago got lulled into buying them but like my assorted sized squares and ruler type rulers best

  3. We don't have yellow headed blackbirds here and I was fascinated to see yours!!! I love omnigrid rulers too. They really hold up better than many do! I adore your photographs and especially of the butterfly! Have a wonderful week!

  4. What a gorgeous place to hike. You are blessed to live in such a beautiful area with all those possibilities!
    I recently changed my acrylic rulers to ones that would "grip" the fabric, since I was having so much trouble with sliding while I was cutting. I got Olfa, and so far I really like them. They definitely hold the fabric in place. What do you like about your Omnigrids? I clicked on your photo of them and it looks like they have more grids than my rulers, which I think I would like!

  5. I always enjoy your nature photos! The butterfly pic is awesome!

  6. great images! There are weekend link parties for wild things. I love omnigrid. I bought each of these individually actually and use them all the time.

  7. I've never heard of yellow-headed blackbirds. Great shot getting it in flight. I'm a Creative Grids ruler girl. My eyes don't like the yellow on Omnigrid. I like the finer lines and circle grips on Creative Grids, too.

  8. I am so impressed with your photography skills. Just beautiful. I too love my Omnigrid rulers. I also have some MSQC rulers which are shocking green!

  9. Lettuce! My guinea pigs are eyeing that....

    Such a pretty wide-open spot.

    I have a beat up 12" square ruler that was given to me (I don't think one corner is quite square anymore). It gets a lot of use. I keep thinking about getting a new one - maybe a little larger, and another a little smaller. I like your collection!
