Thursday, August 11, 2016


One of the best reasons to be part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is for all of the inspiration you can get when everyone is linking up their posts each Saturday.  I was challenged by the August colors of pale purple/gray and evergreen, until I spent some time looking at what others in our group had accomplished. Suddenly, I knew what I could do with my Scrap Jar Stars.

I have to admit, I did have to do a little stash enhancement , which involved finding a couple of light purple fat quarters.  I can justify this by saying that I can get quite a lot out of two fat quarters, and then have more scraps to add to my stash!  Nothing wrong with that, right?!?!  :)

I ended up with these two stars - one in pale purple and gray together, with a few little pops of green and other colors.  I love the green and purple apples, but the red one in the center is especially fun!

The other is mostly gray with a smidge of yellow - a cool, cloudy day with a bit of sun shining through.

They look good together - 

and it is also fun to see them contrasted with the bright yellow and purple stars I made earlier this year.

To see what other scrappy quilters have done with our August colors, check out the ScrapHappy Saturday link at SoScrappy.  See you there!


  1. Those Gray blocks are lovely- especially the one with purple. I went with Gray this month. Almost have mine done!

  2. Great way to use this month's challenging theme!

  3. Oh, Oh, Oh, I love your stars1 They are beautiful.

  4. You are so right about the rainbow blocks being inspiration. I don't have much light purple. You have inspired me to use gray with it. Lovely scrap jar blocks.

  5. These are pretty blocks and I love the little apples! :)

  6. These are pretty blocks and I love the little apples! :)

  7. Those purple apples are coming in handy and the red one hits the spot. Your layout of the four blocks show that it will be a lovely quilt. Sometimes it is hard to see beyond the moment, but this Spurs you on.

  8. You're pre-stocking for next year's scraps, right? And doing a little pre-testing while you're at it. Yeah...
    Inspiration really does abound doesn't it? Your ScrapJar Stars keep telling me they want to be my blocks for RSC2017. (Or RSC2018. It's hard to tell exactly what they're saying.)

  9. No need to justify your fabric purchase to us Quilter's! We are all in the same boat!! LOVE the stars and they look great with the others.

  10. When I saw the yellow and gray block by itself, I thought "Uh oh." But when you showed it with the others, I yelled "OUTSTANDING!" What a great collection of ScrapJar stars.

  11. Sally T is bang on target, the stars together took smashing!! I love the apple fabric you have in there.
