Friday, June 3, 2016

New RSC Colors for June

As has happened every month this year, I was looking forward to seeing what colors Angela chose for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge in June.  Finding out that they were "blues tending toward aqua with a pop of lime green" sent me in search of the perfect scraps for this month's blocks.

Of course, a question that came up right away for me was "What's the difference between aqua, turquoise, and teal?"  A quick Google search led me to this image from Janet Carr at thisbugslife, and an interesting discussion about just that very topic!

Of course, for my purposes, I think a mix of these colors will work, and I'm not going to get too worried about the details!  

Pretty quickly, I realized that my Tula Pink Prince Charming scraps, so generously shared with me by Cynthia from Quilting is More Fun than Housework, are the exact right mix of blues tending toward aqua, and even a little lime green!  And lucky for me, I still have some pieces that are the perfect length and width for some 16 patch blocks!

Meanwhile, I also stitched up some Monkey Wrench blocks to add to my collection.

Just for fun, my husband got out the mirage lens for his fancy camera and took a picture of my monkey blocks.  Love it!

And now I'm off to sew a few 16 patches!  Tomorrow I'll be linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Quilters for ScrapHappy Saturday to get some more aqua and lime green inspiration!


  1. Hey, I recognize those scraps! Glad you are finding so many homes for them. I haven't even started my RSC block's yet. I had better get sewing!

  2. I have a friend who is fanatic about teal and to her it runs the gamut from blue to green. You have found the perfect scraps for this month.

  3. How lucky of you!! It is a beautiful color and the monkey blocks are looking great. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Your monkey wrench blocks look amazing.

  5. Lovely blocks! That color chart is interesting. I always think of aqua as the lighter color and turquoise as the deeper. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder!

  6. Thanks for visual on teal, turquoise and aqua. It's hard to get a fix on those three. Your Monkey Wrench blocks look great. Love Your Guy's picture. That's a fun lens.

  7. I appreciate the color lesson. I was just lamenting over on my blog that I have trouble deciding what AQUA really is. Now I know... thanks to YOU!!

  8. Lovely little monkeys you have. Are they behaving? Great picture with the special effect. I like it too. From your research on the aqua colour, I should have said my block was turquoise and not aqua. I am with Mari and thought aqua was lighter. Oh well, now I know. Thanks for sharing your research. Enjoy the sewing. ;^)

  9. I love the monkey wrench blocks. And your fabric for the 16 patch is so cute!

  10. Good pictorial explanation of just what aqua is. Thanks.

  11. It's amazing how the same block looks like totally different blocks just by the value choices and placement. Have fun with your scraps this month!

  12. Well, that mirage lens is da bomb! LOL You're already working in teal aqua and turquoise, and thank you for that discussion at the beginning!!
