Friday, April 22, 2016


Here is what happened to me this week - darn it!

I was enjoying a lovely spring afternoon walk with a friend, and I missed a curb.  Down I went and fractured my wrist.  Those few seconds changed a lot about my life for the next few weeks, and maybe even months. Of course, one of the first things I thought was, "I won't be able to sew!"

Yesterday, I went to see the orthopedic surgeon who will be operating on my wrist on Monday, and he told me that sewing is good therapy for wrists, so Hallelujah for that!  Maybe it won't be as long as I thought.

Before all of this happened, I did have a chance to work on some more orange blocks for the RSC16 April color of the month.  A few 4 patches, one made into a double 4 patch, and my goal of six 16 patches for the month!

I am loving the variety of oranges that I found to work with!  Favorite fabric find of the week - these adorable birds flying through the clouds on an orange background.

Hope all of the rest of you had  a very routine week!  Lol!

I'll be linking up to Angela and Cynthia over the weekend so I can check out what everyone else has been up to.  Virtual quilting will have to take care of me for awhile.  (Maybe I'll get out a stack of fabric to pet!)


  1. Goodness my friend! That is going to make quilting a little more difficult. Hope you heal up quickly!

  2. same thing happened to my neighbor. She had pins and metal and whatnots put in and it's just terrific now. She had a lot of swelling though, but it's great now. My lawn guy had it done too, lots of metal pins. He still does everything so there's hope! Poor girl. The moment you know you're falling is AWFUL and you know you can't stop it. LeeAnna

  3. oh no! Take care! Everything will be OK. Sending prayers your way for next Monday. You did a lot althoght the ortopedic problem. Those birds are lovely Stay in touch and let us know how things are going. Hugs

  4. so sorry about your wrist! and you're right: that orange birdy fabric is fantastic!

  5. Oh no, hope you'll be good again soon. Thant's the worst thing for a quilter. I just got an inflammation in my arm today, and have problems to cut fabrics. Couldn't even sew my hexies today. But I hope to be better tomorrow, because I got some pills from the doctor.

  6. Yikes. I hope you get your wrist back in working order again soon. One handed blogging might get tiresome too.

  7. So sorry about your wrist. I pray you will have a smooth and quick recovery so you can do all the things you want.

  8. Oh, ow ow ow! I hope you heal really fast!

  9. Sending Super Speedy Healing Vibes!!

  10. Love those blocks - I want a quilt like that! :)

  11. Oh so not fun. Hope your surgery goes well and you are back to stitching soon.

  12. Darn it all! Doesn't that put a crimp in your style! Hope it all heals quickly with all that sewing therapy you are going to give it.

    I like your orange twitters too.

  13. That's tough! I hope the surgery goes according to plan and that you recuperate quickly. After my carpal tunnel operations I couldn't type, I couldn't cut fabric, I couldn't guide fabric through the sewing machine, but I COULD SEW! I could wield a needle and thread as never before, and got a whole lot of hand quilting done!

  14. Hope it heals fast, you've got lots of sewing 'therapy' to help the process! Love your selection of 4 & 16 patches in orange!

  15. Oh Diane, I am so sorry to hear your fractured your wrist. I have an elderly friend that did the very same thing as you over the winter. She is just starting her therapy now and is so anxious to get back at sewing. Take care and heal it good!
