Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I Like Thursday #408

I like October!  I like the Colorado landscape this time of year.

Saturday we went up to a mountain park west of us and took a picnic lunch.
Such a beautiful day!

I enjoy seeing flowers still blooming at our sculpture park.

I love pumpkins and especially baked things made out of pumpkin, and especially when I actually grew the pumpkin!  Yesterday, I roasted one of the little pie pumpkins that I grew in my garden this summer - 

And made some pumpkin bread out of it!  Yum!

I use a recipe that I got from Carole at From My Carolina Home.
It has orange zest in it - I love the fresh flavor it gives to the bread.
Carole, thinking of you and your husband and neighbors 
as you deal with the destruction of Hurricane Helene.  🩷

LeeAnna's question of the week is about corn mazes- do we like them, have we done one?  And I have to admit that I have not ever been in a corn maze.  I've always been a little afraid that I would never find my way out, lol!  We did love hiking around in the redwood forests in California on our trip last month, and they feel a bit like mazes!

We did eventually find our way out, although there were a few moments when we weren't quite sure where we were!

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.



  1. I love that I get to enjoy your fall scenery vicariously! A picnic lunch in the mountains in the fall just sounds perfect. Yum on that pumpkin bread, and making it from your own little pumpkin!

  2. It looks like autumn there, very pretty. I think we are just going to have a mostly brown fall. It's been so dry the leaves are just turning brown and falling off the trees. Enjoy your autumn.

  3. It is pumpkin season! Your loaf looks delicious. My husband has a hiking app on his phone— All Trails— it has helped us from getting lost while hiking several times! Gail at the cozy quilter

  4. Pumpkin bread from your own pumpkin! I pulled a pumpkin bread recipe out yesterday to make today. Using canned though. I need to find a pumpkin patch and corn maze this month. The one I took the kids to closed down a couple of years ago and the boy requested it this year. I think you should try a corn maze, they are fun!

  5. Oh, your pumpkin bread has my mouth watering!

  6. all looks great - I too wonder how Carole is doing - it will be a rough couple weeks for sure or even a month - glad she only had minor damage.

    1. Carole has some posts up on her blog, and on her Facebook page, if you haven't seen them. She's doing well, and gives updates in the posts.

  7. I bet that bread tasted even better because you grew the pumpkin! Yum! We were supposed to be leaving for Asheville today, so we've been watching all the news closely. Our trip was canceled, obviously, but we hope to get there someday.

  8. Your Colorado colors are beautiful. They haven't started here yet. So fun you got your pumpkins to the finish line and then to make something with them, so neat.

  9. The Colorado landscape is beautiful this time of year. It is nice to be out and about in nature. Your pumpkin bread looks delicious! It is so nice that you were able to use one of your homegrown pumpkins. I bet it was like a maze through the redwood forest ; I would love to see them someday. Enjoy your weekend, Diann

  10. Such satisfaction to grow, harvest, and then bake your "crop". I love Carole's Pumpkin Bread recipe too. That orange zest makes it especially bon appetit! I'd love to walk among the redwoods myself one day.

  11. Orange zest in pumpkin bread... interesting. Looks delicious. Cute little pumpkin.

  12. you grew pumpkins! I want to but can't seem to nurture any vege here.... but I've made that recipe and it is delish
    no corn mazes for me, no sense of direction
