Friday, October 18, 2024

All the blocks are made!

There wasn't much left to be done, but for some reason it took me a few weeks to get around to it!  What I'm referring to are the last two blocks for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge Patchwork Hearts project.  But now they are finished!  Here's the multi-color heart.

The other block is a light green four patch block, which I didn't photograph separately, but you can see it here to the right of the multi-color heart in this layout.

I didn't have a specific reason for laying out the blocks this way, except for using the lighter blocks more in the center and moving outward to the darker blocks.  I made one change, switching the orange block with the light blue, and I think this is where it will stay.

Before I start sewing these into a quilt top, my plan is to finish one of my older quilt tops that have been waiting their turn in the to-be-quilted closet.  That shouldn't be too difficult a task because I have a couple backings pieced and there's batting available to be cut to size.  Meanwhile, I'm making good progress on hand quilting the Hollow Nine Patch quilt, too!

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.


  1. Bisher habe ich nur einen deiner Herzquilt bewundern dürfen, aber nun die ganze Decke. Soooo wunderschön. Ich bin noch Anfänger und verfolge bei dir die Fortschritte deiner Arbeiten. Wunderschöne Arbeiten und sie motivieren mich, weiter zu machen.
    Hab ein wundervolles Wochenende
    Grüße an dich

  2. I like the way the multicoloured heart looks in the middle of the quilt. The quilting on the hollow nines is coming along nicely too. Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. Just look at you go! And such a great feeling we get when we see a top get finished. Glad you're making such good progress on your hollow nines quilt too. The finished hearts top is great motivation for getting the hand-quilting done 100%. Here's to a great finish-her-up weekend!

  4. You are doing good with your hand quilting, do you mark the lines or just winging it because the blocks are small?

  5. I love the way this is turning out. The layout is wonderful. The multicolor heart is great.

  6. Love the multi-color heart in the center - it is a pretty quilt! Have fun with your quilting - enjoy your Saturday!

  7. The multicolor heart if the middle is the perfect addition to your quilt. I love the look of your hand quilting in the hollow nine patches. The stitches are perfect!

  8. I like how this looks. and the multicolored heart in the middle is perfect

  9. Oh, how clever you are with the rainbow block in the middle. Looks great!

  10. Wonderful, wonderful! The rainbow center make this sing!

  11. Great choice for the last 2 heart blocks! It looks great. Love the quilting on the hollow blocks.

  12. What a great idea to make your final block multi-colored and place it in the center of your layout. Ties everything together.

  13. I love those Rainbow Heart blocks! I am looking forward to seeing the finishes of the quilts that you are quilting.

  14. Delightful Diann. Love this combo of rainbow hearts & squares and your multi-coloured heart made me smile :)

  15. Congrats on getting your RSC Heart blocks done, Diann!

  16. Those hearts are so cute! Your hand stitches look very evenly stitched, good job, happy stitching!

  17. Love your heart quilt and the rainbow one is perfect! May I tell you what I see? In the first group photo, if you change the dark blue with the light blue, you have an oval of light blocks in the middle with a column of darker blocks on both sides. In the second group photo, all the warm colours are on one side and the cold ones on the other side. You can switch the pink with the light green to counter balance that. But that's just me thinking out loud. I love the 4-Patch alternate blocks. Happy hand stitching. ;^)

  18. Great job moving ahead with your RSC quilt, Diann! The multi-colored heart in the middle adds interest!!!

  19. Love your colorful heart! That RSC project is such a fun one.

  20. This is a great finish for the RSQ project. I am very impressed by your hand stitching. That takes such patience (and good lighting). Those are both things I am short on!!

  21. Fun and Colourful, great scrappy quilt. Your hand quilting on the Hollow Nine Patches is beautiful!!

  22. You're doing a great job on the sunflower doodle and it makes a perfect center for your Fall Fortnight project. Your hand quilting stitches are so consistent!
