Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Like Thursday #405

Hello, and happy Thursday, friends!  Can you guess where I am?  

The view was a bit different than the last time we visited this amazing place, but we enjoyed it just as much!

Have a wonderful day!
Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.



  1. We had similar foggy views in several spots in Newfoundland last summer! Enjoy your trip! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Enjoy your vacation! Looks like you got off to a good start.

  3. Looks like fun! Lighthouses are such interesting places to visit. Have fun and safe travels.

  4. love that light house, were you able to walk down to it and if you did how was that walk back up!

  5. Oh how fun, Diann! It is a foggy day so do be careful as you are out and about. I hope you are enjoying every minute of your travels. I love lighthouses though it has been years since I have visited one. I can not wait to hear more about your vacation. Hugs.

  6. Yay - looks like you are having a great time! Is it pretty cool where you are? Will there be wine involved? :D

  7. I guessed that you were headed to your favorite vacation spot! Beautiful!

  8. What a foggy place! looks like a fun place to visit.

  9. Enjoy a fantastic vacation. Looks lovely!

  10. Oh lovely! Have a wonderful time! It looks so charming!

  11. I hope the weather cleared up by now and you are having a wonderful vacay!

  12. Oh, how wonderful! I *just* finished reading Leave Only Footprints by Conor Knighton about the year he spent going to all the national parks. Point Reyes mentioned, of course.

  13. I had to look where Pt Reyes actually was. I lived in San Mateo at one point but don't remember going north to see it. It looks amazing. And, I've been a big fan of lighthouses for awhile. Hope the rest of your trip is going well.
