Friday, September 20, 2024

A little bit more for September

I just love the landscape of the wine country of northern California!  There's quite a contrast between the miles and miles of green vineyards and the dry, grassy hills.  It fascinates me!

After arriving home from our trip, I had enough time to make one more patchwork heart, all in light browns this time.   The above photo kind of inspired the colors of this one!

All laid out:

And sewn together:

Four patches for the alternate block made good leaders and enders.  Just one more needed and the plain squares before I can sew this one together.

After that, two more blocks will be needed for this quilt top, and I've finally got an idea for the final patchwork heart!   More on that coming up.  Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.

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