Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Midweek Update

I've continued to work on my Stay at Home Round Robin project, and it's getting close to a finished quilt top!  When I left off in my Saturday post, I was modifying the bottom section that I had made for Border #6, which was to include words or numbers.  

I added two sawtooth stars on either side of the embroidered words instead of the big blocks of red that I had started with.  Of course, the first time around, I made this section too big!  A little more measuring and a little trimming took care of that problem so that the bottom could be attached to the rest of the quilt.

Then I decided to finish everything off with a final border, so I went shopping, hoping to find just the right thing.  Here's what I came home with.  I love the selvage!

"You are kind and good.  You have grit and grace."
We all need to be reminded of that now and then!

Borders are cut but not sewn on yet, but here's how the top will look.  A few more long seams and this will be ready to finally finish up!

This will measure about 26 x 30 when finished.


  1. That border fabric is PERFECT! Well done!

  2. Great border fabric for your round Robin quilt!. Will you hand quilt this one?

  3. Your SAHRR is looking great! Love all the borders and fabrics!

  4. You found the perfect border fabric! It ties it together perfectly! Won’t it be fun to hang it in the summer?

  5. This is an adorable little quilt, Diann. Yes, that selvage is awesome.
    I'm finally getting settled and back into blogland so I'm excited to catch up with all you've been up to. Enjoy your day!

  6. Selvedges have gotten so creative! Your SAHRR is charming.

  7. Aaah how adorable! You found the perfect border fabric for this quilt too. Beautiful job, Diann; I can not thank you enough for stitching the little piece and including it in you SAHRR. Happy quilting. Hugs.

  8. Love that border! You made a really pretty piece for your SAHRR.

  9. You did find the perfect border fabric. It's been fun to see how everyone interprets the prompts.
