Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I Like Thursday #380

 Good Morning!  Happy Spring!  Last Thursday we got about 8 inches of heavy, wet snow.  Mostly melted now, but still a little bit left.  This was how things looked on my Sunday afternoon walk.

Lots of water running down the street.  
That will green things up!

In spite of that snow, buds are coming out on the trees.  I spied these lilac buds on my walk, too.

Snowy days are good for reading!  Do you follow Nann at With Strings Attached?  Besides being an amazing quilter, she is also a retired librarian, and I count on her for great book recommendations.  Here is one of Nann's recommendations for me that I just finished and loved!  I enjoyed the two women who were the main characters and the unexpected connection they made with a younger woman in the story.  Plus, it made me want to visit Maine!

Here is the Goodreads blurb about it.

We made a yummy and easy dinner the other night - calzones made with Pillsbury pizza dough.  I didn't get a good photo, so I'm sharing the photo from their website, plus the link.

LeeAnna's question of the week is about what kinds of wild creatures we might see around town this time of year.  At our house it's always birds that we're looking for.  There have been lots of finches, chickadees, and flickers who are year-round residents.  We're also seeing the downy woodpeckers and nuthatches again.  What I'm looking forward to seeing are the goldfinches.  It's always a treat when they visit our feeders in their bright yellow Spring feathers!  This photo is from April last year.  

Hope you're having a great week!
Thanks for visiting on I Like Thursday 
hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. The calzones look great! I'll have to check out that book. Thanks for passing along that recommendation. I've been seeing wild turkeys on the dog walk in the mornings. The Tom Turkey has had his feathers all out the last 2 days, I need to bring my phone with me and see if I can get a photo. Have a great Thursday.

  2. I have that book on my to-read list. It is wonderful when the flowers come out in the spring. You know we have a lot of wildlife here! The black bears are out of hibernation, and one was here last night. I'll have more on that on Sunday.

  3. Eight inches of wet snow - that should be really good for spring growth, especially if you get some sun! I used to use Pillsbury pizza dough for little pepperoni rolls, and we thought it was pretty tasty! Those calzones look delicious.

  4. the calzones look great I need to make those sometime, that snow will be melted before you know it.

  5. So many things to LIKE today, Diann. I look forward to the return of the goldfinches as well.

  6. Thanks for the book recommendation, Diann and Nann. I hope we get to see some goldfinches this year. Mr Busy is feeding lots of sparrows and Eurasian Doves. We did see a couple of chickadees and house finches!

    Happy Spring to you too!

  7. A good book is always a favorite thing. My Guy is trying to get in one last eagle nest survey before the leaves hide the nests. Birds are such fun to watch. We are waiting on our Swallowtails to come back for the spring.

  8. The goldfinches are so cheerful to look at! My neighbour has a feeder that I can easily see. Mostly it attracts squirrels :(

  9. We love the goldfinches too. They are here in southern Illinois. Soon the juncos will leave us until next winter. Yummy calzones! I like making things like that so I can personalize them. Mr. H only likes a couple boring things in his (hamburger & Canadian bacon) whereas Mom & I want everything else practically! Lol! Did you catch LeeAnna's 17" of snow!!!???

  10. Look at that snow! We may get some on Saturday. Yay for buds. And I love when the goldfinches turn color.

  11. So much snow. . .that can't be usual weather in March! Although. . it also probably isn't all that unusual either! I can remember one time we had to put on tire chains to get over the mountain pass in mid-April. What a delicious dinner that calzone made for you. My husband used to make it. . .although all from scratch. It was always delicious too!

  12. I'm going to have to spend some time over at Nan's for some good book recommendations. I read Fellowship Point and enjoyed it, too. We just got three inches of snow overnight. The birds were busy at the feeder just before the snow; today it is much quieter. We have a pair (at least one pair, maybe two) of cardinals who visit our feeder pretty regularly. Otherwise we have chickadees, nuthatches, purple finch, woodpeckers and goldfinch (not showing off their colors yet though).

  13. I am amazed at 8 INCHes of snow but esp. how fast it disappeared. Thanks for mentioning the Pilsbury dough...what a great idea for many dishes. Our goldfinches are still very dull and even the cardinal is not his bright self yet. But if this mild weather keeps up it won't be much longer.
