Wednesday, February 14, 2024

I Like Thursday #375

I am writing this on Wednesday, so Happy Valentine's Day!  I finished stitching Love Notes the other night.  Hope you got some Love Notes from your favorite someone this Valentine's Day.

My week turned crazy yesterday (Tuesday) because my mom was admitted to the hospital with a UTI and it has made her very weak.  Fortunately,  she is much better today.  Having to spend lots of time sitting in the ER or a hospital room makes me appreciate that I had downloaded an older trilogy by Nora Roberts to read - one of my favorites to reread - magic, romance - all good!  

I was all excited to work on border 4 of my Stay at Home Round Robin this week, but it hasn't happened so far.  I have the fabrics picked and know what I want to do, but no time yet.  Fingers crossed for a little sewing time, maybe tomorrow?

LeeAnna's question of the week is who was our first crush?  I'm sure I had crushes on boys as early as 5th grade and well into high school when I finally had a boyfriend, lol!  But my longtime crush has always been Tom Hanks!  I would love to meet him, but would probably be completely tongue-tied.  😘  But at least we can watch his movies!  We watched and enjoyed this one the other night, "Finch."

Thanks for visiting on I Like Thursday hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. Hoping your Mom is much better today! Those UTIs are pretty debilitating. I "discovered" Nora Roberts only recently - how have I missed her all these years? LOVE her writing. I had no idea she wrote trilogies. Hope you have a good day!

  2. Glad your mom is feeling better. Always good to have a book or some stitching to do while waiting . Have you ever listened to “The Dutch House” by Ann Patchet? Tom Hanks reads it…. I could listen to him read to me all day long! LOL!

  3. Sorry to hear your mother had to be hospitalized, but glad she responded so quickly to treatment. I've not read that Nora Roberts trilogy, I'll have to look that one up. I was debating on starting her newest one, Lost Brides I think is the name of that one. Hope you get a chance to work on your SAHRR soon.

  4. UTI's can affect so many things. Glad she is doing better. That is a great Trilogy. I have not read Nora Roberts in ages. Hope you can squeeze in a little you time this week.

  5. UTI's really do something to the body as you grow older, I'm glad your mother is going to be ok. My daughter's mother in law who is quite elder - 86 shows signs of dementia when she gets a UTI so now that they know this they get her to the doctor right away.
    One of my oldest crushes would have been on music stars

  6. Hi Diann! I'm so glad to hear that your Mom is doing better already. UtIs are nothing to mess around with. Well, no infections are. {{Hugs}} That was scary for you and sitting in the ER is no fun. I'm glad you had a good book to pass the time. Happy Valentine's Day to you - your stitching is so cute! Happy Thursday to you! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to you too. What a way for your mom to spend it! I'm glad she is already feeling better! I hope you get some stitching time today!

  8. Great choice for a crush! He seems like a classy guy.

  9. That's a very sweet Valentine's Love Note stitchery. Sorry to hear of your mom's health concerns. I'm glad she is doing better.

  10. So sorry about your Mom. My Mom was plagued by that same issue in her old age. It is always distressing. She is lucky to have you folks nearby now.
    Pretty Valentine stitching here and your corner stones you show in your next post are perfect. A friend had Tom Hanks voice for their car navigation system...she is a big fan and said she liked having him in the car along for the ride. :)

  11. I am sorry your mom has been ill. Hoping she is starting to regain her strength.
    Love the bit of history about Loveland!

  12. No fun having your week turned upside-down like that. A good book is a must for the ER. Glad your mom is feeling better.

  13. I hope your mom is improving each day! Such a cute LoveNotes stitch. That Nora Robert’s Trilogy is a favorite of mine too. We enjoyed Tom Hanks’ FINCH also. Have you seen Greyhound?

  14. I hope your mom is doing much better by now. I like Tom Hanks as well - You've Got Mail is probably my favorite movie, although I liked him in Sleepless in Seattle, too. That little cross stitch is so cute!

  15. I am so sorry your mom was feeling poorly last week. I hope she is feeling better and has recovered. Your Love Notes is so precious. Thank you so much for stitching it. Big hugs.
