Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Email Update

 Hello, blogging friends,

Apparently my email and contact list were hacked this morning.  If you got an email from  diannbottrell01@gmail.com, it's NOT me!  I'm working on changing passwords, etc.  I'm so sorry for the inconvenience! 



  1. Thanks for the heads up. I deleted the e-mail. Happens to the best of us. Hope you day got better! Sounds like some stitching time is needed =) Have a good evening.

  2. I got it to and now deleted! the message actually sounded unlike anything I had gotten from you - a very religious Christmas greeting - not that I know how religious you are LOL - but it wasn't the kind of message I normally get from you.

  3. Oh gosh, Diann. I am so sorry to hear that. I received the message as well. Thank you for letting us know. I hope you get all resolved and changes made soon. Hugs.

  4. Me too! But I got a warning with mine, advising not to reply! Of course I didn’t . I sure hope you have no other trouble with that! Changing passwords and all that entails , is a pain!

  5. It sounded suspicious so I deleted it, as well. Hope you have no repurcusions.

  6. Sounds like the other gals were as suspicious as I was. Isn't it crazy that these people have nothing better to do than to hack accounts and send strange emails?

  7. I wondered about that when it dropped in to my inbox. Something just seemed a bit off. Thanks for letting us know!

  8. Thanks for the heads up. Sorry you have to deal with the aftermath of a hack. . .I'm sure you'd rather be stitching and creating!

  9. So sorry you have to deal with that. I got an email, but it went to my spam folder for some reason. Hopefully you can get it all fixed up soon.
