Saturday, November 11, 2023

Turkey Time!

In last week's Sunday post, I think I left off by saying it was time to stitch a turkey, and so I am!  This is a Melisa design, called Mr. McGobble, and perfect for something to make this month.  You can find her post about it here.

It wasn't until I had been working on this for a little while that I realized Mr. McGobble is dressed as a pilgrim, so, of course, when finished he will live right here with his pilgrim friends.   Hopefully he will be finished up by Thanksgiving!  

This week, I'll also be working on hand-piecing together another two rows of the bowtie project.  You can see the rows I've already worked on in yesterday's post.  Here is the next set laid out on the bed so that I can pick them up in groups of four to work on in between putting stitches into Mr. McGobble.

Linking up with the Sunday Slow Stitchers at Kathy's Quilts.


  1. Cute Turkey! The bow ties are coming together nicely. Enjoy your slow stitching today!

  2. Melisa has such cute designs. Enough so that I sometimes ask where all my cross stitch fabric went. Enjoy your slow stitching today, you have some fun projects to work on.

  3. How cute will Melisa's pilgrim turkey be next to your figurines! Now you need to find a pilgrim penguin. ;)

  4. Looks like the perfect home for your turkey! I am sure you will get him done in time for turkey day!

  5. I didn't realize you were hand piecing the Bow-Ties that is so relaxing! I haven't done actual hand piecing in awhile as I consider EPP totally different hand work

  6. So cute, Mr. McGobble will be a great addition to your holiday decor. I hope you can get him finished in time.

  7. Your Mr. McGobble is so handsome with all his color. Did you go off-grid and choose your own colors or were those the ones Melisa used? Either way, quite a guy!

  8. Great turkey cross stitch! Those bow tie blocks are super cute too.

  9. Another adorable Melisa design and hopefully he will be fully dressed for Thanksgiving! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  10. The turkey is adorable, and I love your scrappy bow tie blocks!

  11. I love Melisa's designs too--your turkey is cute and I am sure it is in my file--I just finished one of here Christmas designs this morning--the Santa and sled with some stockings--and sorta out a couple more of her Christmas designs I've done done yet--so happy stitching--
    hugs, di

  12. Melisa has the cutest designs and her blog is such a fun read. I don't think she sleeps! Your turkey is going to be wonderful!

  13. I wondered if you chose Mr Gobble! He is a cure design. I have packed up and moved out of my sewing room in prep for new floors. I was able to locate some Aida and some thread. So I’ll have some hand work to do next week. Our daughter reminded me it’s almost 2 weeks til Thanksgiving! You’ll have him done, I’m sure!

  14. Mr gobble is adorable. I think I need to stitch him up. Enjoy your week.

  15. Mr. McGobble is looking amazing, Diann and he will fit right in with the Pilgrim couple. You made my day! I just love your bow tie blocks; they are so cheerful and pretty. I hope you have a great week. Hugs.

  16. That pilgrim turkey is adorable. I love the bow tie blocks. Enjoy your stitching.
