Saturday, November 25, 2023

Slow Stitching this week...

Here's the view out our front window from Saturday morning.  Snowing like crazy, and one little wild bunny out hopping around in it.  The day before Thanksgiving it was 70 degrees!

So it's a good time for some hand stitching!  I've added a few stitches to "Home."  Next will be all the leaves in green.  

The leaves are done in a new-to-me stitch called the cable chain stitch.  I had to look up a tutorial on how to do it and found one here

Here's my first try.  I think I need to add some green color to these leaves with my colored pencils, too.  It'll be really enjoyable to stitch some green this afternoon with all that white still outside!

Linking up with Kathy and the slow stitchers for some Slow Sunday Stitching!




  1. We had a wee bit of snow coming down here today, too, Dian. I agree--a great day to stay inside and sew! Your embroidery project is so sweet!

  2. Looks like you got more than a dusting. Hopefully your son will be able to get back home without too much difficulty. Enjoy your slow stitching today.

  3. I don't think I've ever done a cable stitch - looks kinda fun. Oh that snow! I'm envious. I thought about you last night while we were watching K-State play Iowa State in Manhattan, KS. It snowed the entire game and kept accumulating on the field so they had to blow snow off the yard lines.

  4. That's crazy weather! Loving your Home embroidery. Somehow nesting during a winter storm feels just right! Hope the snow melts soon! Hugs!

  5. Gracious! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at your place! We have a cold front, but not expecting any snow or rain. Still, the autumn colors were put away, and Christmas is coming out here too.

  6. Oh my, it is cloudy and cold here, but no snow. It looks pretty though. Love the Home embroidery. I had to learn that stitch recently also. It took me a few tries to get it right. It looks great on that leaf. Enjoy your stitching.

  7. so much snow! it is winter there and barely started here still. I used to know a lot of embroidery stitches but haven't done much of that in years.

  8. Love your new stitch on the leaves, I have not done that stitch before either. Looks like about 3-4" of snow there? We got a dusting over night.

  9. Oh wow! You got a lot of snow! It makes the staying inside to stitch all the more pleasant!

  10. A snowy day is perfect weather to stay in and stitch! We have a rainy and cool for us down here. A good day to Christmas the house, now that my painting project is done! That is a really neat stitch for the leaves. Looks great.

  11. Oh my you do have winter weather! We haven't even had 1 single snow fall here which is very unusual! That new stitch looks amazing in the leaves! The birds are so pretty too!

  12. I hate those rapid, extreme weather transitions. We've just had occaisional flurries, but it's been typical November weather, gloomy and in the 30-40's.

  13. That’s a lot of snow! Nice stitch pattern you are working on.

  14. Beautiful stitching. I don't envy your snow. I am freezing my butt off, and it is only 47, due to get to the high 30's tonight. I just came in from covering my plants with cloth to prevent freezing.

  15. We had a few flakes of snow yesterday but it melted when it hit the ground. Wow. you had a lot of snow. Another beautiful embroidery underway. Gail at the cozy Quilter

  16. Ha! Talked with my SIL on Saturday and she said there was about 5" at that time and still coming down. She was glad she ordered two Thanksgiving dinners from Meals on Wheels. They'll get her through! I hope you made like that wild bunny and went hopping out in it for a bit. Just plain cold here. 26 degrees when Gracie & I walked this morning. Thankfully the sun came up while we were walking.

  17. As always you have some beautiful projects going on over there, and finishes that are just as lovely! Please keep the snow. I used to love it, but now my cold bones need warmth! LOL

  18. I'm always amazed at the changes in weather in your area. My SILs live there as well, so I hear about the crazy temp swings from them, too. All that snowfall is pretty, though. It's just nice it doesn't stick around. We had just a dusting, but today it has been warm and it has all melted.

  19. Brrrr! Cold but looks so beautiful. Aaah the little bunny- cute! A great day to stay in and enjoy your embroidery which is looking fabulous I might say. Hugs.
