Wednesday, November 22, 2023

I Like Thursday #363


Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you're spending it in your favorite way.  I am happy to be home this year with our sons here, and very simple plans.  I'm sure we'll eat good food, play some games, and there will be football on.  I decided to trace a Kathy Schmitz design to work on when the guys are watching the games.

This one is called "Home."  
You can see Kathy's versions at the link there.

I love November - it has its own kind of beauty.  Bare branches against the sky, brown leaves that crunch underfoot when you're out for a walk, and once in awhile you see a still beautiful leaf like this one.

And I love my electric knife!  It's a vintage one, given to me by my MiL way back in the 70s, when Mike and I were first married.  It must have been the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for the in-laws.  "You don't have an electric knife!?"  Guess what I got for Christmas that year?  😊

Every November when I get this out to carve the turkey, 
I think of my MiL and it makes me smile to remember her. 

Happy Thanksgiving!  Have a wonderful day!
Joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursday.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Diann. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family. Such a lovely stitch that you will be working on. You have a great start. What a lovely leaf . I can imagine a quilt with lovely red leaves like this one. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  2. Beautiful leaf! Isn't it fun when the simplest things bring back the best memories?

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! We have an electric knife very similar to yours, and we don't use it anymore, LOL! Mostly it is used to cut foam and garage stuff now.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving and so glad you get both boys home with you for the day. Such fun memories come out around the holidays. Enjoy your day.

  5. I love the stark beauty of bare branches too, it makes me very nostalgic for some reason. I stood outside for a couple minutes at dusk last night and enjoyed the peace and fading sunset. I know you will enjoy your family while stitching. Have a wonderful day and rest of the week!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! We couldn't live without our electric knife, but I never had one until someone gave us one for our wedding gift. Enjoy your day!

  7. I have, and still use, the exact same knife! Wedding present in 1982 from the principal of my elementary who lived across the street from my parents. :)

  8. I have never had an electric knife but remember them being a "thing" for awhile. Have a great day with both your sons there

  9. we had the same electric knife and used it all the time for roast, turkey, any big meat. Your family gathering sounds awesome... just got a newsletter with a new to me game on it about guessing categories..."things on a hamburger"
    maybe not quite as much fun with only two people

  10. Hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving complete with lots of family time, good food, and a bit of stitching time.

  11. Diann - my Mom had one of those knives - it only came out to carve the turkey at Thanksgiving and the ham at Christmas! I was always fascinated with how the blades went back and forth! Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a joyful time with your sons!

  12. We had an electric knife - hmm - I wonder if I still have it in a cupboard somewhere - haha! My dad liked to use it to cut foam core; not sure how my mom felt about that!

  13. Brilliantly expressed! Your post is a standout, offering insightful perspectives. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
