Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I Like Thursday #358

Happy Thursday,  friends!  How's your week going?  I'm joining in with I Like Thursday over at Not Afraid of Color!

First of all, happy birthday to my dear husband!  He wanted to play golf, so we did!  It was a beautiful day, and we both enjoyed being out on the golf course.

You know I've been enjoying cooking with my son, and we made chicken fajitas in his Ninja using the air fryer function the other night.  He found the recipe on a cooking video, and it was super simple.  I thought this was a really colorful and appealing meal!  

We ate this mixture in tortillas with salsa, cheese, sour cream, etc.

I enjoyed this book this week.  It's a good story about a woman who cleans house for her favorite writer, and fantasizes about how glamorous life would be if she were a famous writer, too.  Of course, things don't turn out quite like she expects!

LeeAnna has asked this week if we are intuitive or psychic, or do we know someone who is - and I have to answer no for myself.  I am, however, known in my family for my crazy dreams!  We call them "school dreams" and maybe everyone has them to some extent.  The kind where everything's going wrong, you can't find the right room, you're late - all that.  Fortunately, none of things ever seem to come true in real life, so that's a relief!

I'll leave you with the view from our front yard this week.  Aren't those trees beautiful?  I think the red ones are called Autumn Purple Ash and they have just been gorgeous this year!
Such a beautiful time of year!


  1. Shorts in October? We barely got over 50 yesterday! Your trees are lovely. We have a weird mix this year due to the Christmas freeze and a dry summer.

  2. Happy birthday to Your Guy! Looks like you've got gorgeous weather and the trees are so pretty. Have a great weekend.

  3. Happy birthday to Mike! Was a cake on the menu? ;) I always enjoy the views of your pretty street, and the trees this year are spectacular! Those fajitas look really yum. Do you guys like flour or corn tortillas? One of our favorite stores makes tortillas fresh, and they make a corn/flour combo tortilla that is exceptional. But we never arrive in time to buy any - sold out!

  4. Happy Birthday to your hubby! My hubby has those school dreams too. Those fajitas look yummy, I haven't made any for a long time.

  5. Looks like you have had some gorgeous weather! Happy Birthday to your sweet hubby! How fun to cook delicious meals with your son. How he must grin when you both like one of his "found" recipes! As for the dreams, no for me. Sometimes though, I will get a feeling a need to check in with someone.

  6. it is nice to have good weather now and then when you don't expect it, I imagine your area will be getting quite chilly almost every day now that it is mid October. Happy birthday to your Mike. That meal does look colorful and tasty!

  7. so glad Mike had a good birthday you could share with him. It's been hot again here but cool at night at least, and that bright blue sky with colorful trees is welcome.LeeAnna

  8. The chicken fajitas look great. You and your son are having fun with the makes me want to ask Santa for one :) The book sounds interesting. I'll see if my library has it. Your fall foliage looks a lot like ours. Isn't great?!?

  9. Happy Birthday to your hubby. The fajitas look so good!
    I have school dreams too! The buildings aren't always right, which may be why I can never find the math class! And I enjoy math.

  10. That looks so yummy! I never think to make fajita's since I doubt anyone would try them but me. Happy Birthday to your hubby! Looks like you had a great day for golfing as well. I'll have to check out that book. I just started a new audio book series, but I'll be through the 6 books in the next week. Interesting question this week. I think I am intuitive... or rather I get a gut feeling and it is usually correct, so I go with. So far it has guided me pretty well through life.

  11. Happy Birthday to your dear hubby, Diann. Sounds like y'all had a great day. The fajitas look so yummy. I am going to have to get an air fryer; my mom has one and loves hers too. It is so wonderful that you and your son have been enjoying this time together. Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. A very happy birthday to Mike! :)

  13. The fajitas contents are so colorful! Happy birthday to your husband. Beautiful color in your neighborhood.

  14. Happy Birthday to Mike! Hope you two enjoyed the day while you played your round of golf! I'll have to check out that book, and those fajitas look so colorful and tempting! We have similar dreams, which we call "pizza dreams" because they seem to happen after we've eaten pizza. LOL

  15. Yea! It’s been a lovely this week! Glad you and Mike could get some golf in. Happy Birthday Mike. Fajitas are favorites here, though I’ve never made them at home! Sure are colorful! As is your neighborhood. Autumn Purple Ash! Gorgeous “
