Friday, October 13, 2023

Bowties in light neutrals

This week I finished up hand-piecing eight bowties in light neutrals.  It was fun picking out the fabrics for these, and they run from light sandy-tan to golds to light brown.

They blend right in with the more colorful bowties and make a fun collection!  Here are all 80 that I've made this year.

Whoops - I can see one turned wrong - the red one that begins the seventh row down.  I'll have to watch for that as I begin to sew these together.  I think I'll start by sewing them into fours.

At my sewing machine this week, I have been making some blocks for the Autumn Jubilee QAL at From My Carolina Home.  Here's my progress so far - maple leaves, flying geese, and a pumpkin.  So fun!

I making my pumpkins out of golds to go with the 
golden sunflowers and leaves in the other prints.

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!



  1. Your bow ties are looking great together and love the golden pumpkin!

  2. I made a bowtie quilt once with an applique border. I think I used that layout for the bowties - it is looking good

  3. I like all of these. The neutral wishbones will look pretty cool in a complete quilt.

  4. Eighty hand stitched bow ties is a lot. They look so good, I’m forever getting something turned when I sew blocks together I’m pretty sure my bow tie quilt is a similar layout! I like how true Autumn Jubilee is going! The yellow pumpkin is perfect! I’m seeing all colors in the stores!

  5. amazed at your hand stitching - I like your colors for the jubilee

  6. Love your bow tie quilt in progress, Diann.

  7. Your RSC bowties are looking good and so are you autumn jubilee blocks. Enjoy your stitching time this weekend.

  8. The bowtie quilt is just so cute and cheery!

  9. Pumpkins and maple leaves definitely say Autumn. As always, I love those cute bow ties.

  10. They do blend right in. What a great-looking quilt that will be. Love your leaves, too!

  11. Those neutral bow ties are terrific. I wouldn't have guessed that they would play so well with all the coors!! Those leaves and geese are sure pulling at my heart though!!! WOW!

  12. Love your bowtie quilt. It looks so happy and summery. Love your maple leaves too. That's a great print. Enjoy! ;^)

  13. Definitely some happy work! Snap on the bowtie quilt! Too funny to see yours after I just wrote about the one I made not quite two years ago, that finally will have its forever home. I am loving your fall project too.

  14. It never fails to surprise me that I see a mistake in a photo and completely miss it looking at the layout for real. Your leaves and geese are looking good.

  15. Those light neutrals just make it all pop somehow. You make really good fabric choices Diann, you should go into business - I'd hire you lol!

  16. Adorable bow ties! When I've made them (although much larger!) I've sewn them in fours also, just to keep everything straight. Fall colors are so great for quilts, especially if there are leaves and pumpkins. Have a great week!

  17. Your blocks for both quilts look great, Diann. Good thing you took the photo and notice the turned bowtie block. I love the fabrics you are using for the Autumn Jubilee quilt.

  18. You've got such a good eye to notice that block turned around and yes, sewing them into fours will prevent any unsewing later. Those fabrics for your Jubilee project are so sweet and definitely autumnal...a word I don't get to use much.LOL.
