Saturday, September 9, 2023

Slow stitching this week...

I finished stitching the Mini Squirrel Sampler this week, and love how it turned out!  The squirrel reminds me of the little guys who run around our yard all the time.  They're very entertaining!  This one has an acorn - in our yard they are usually carrying an apple from our tree.

I decided to switch back to some embroidery, so I traced and got started on "So Blessed," a Kathy Schmitz design from 2021.

If this looks familiar, it's because I already stitched it once before.  The original hangs out on a small wicker table in our living room.  This new version is going to be a gift for our friends who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.   It will be a belated gift, but I don't think they'll mind!

In non-sewing activities, we went to a downtown festival yesterday called Pastels on 5th.  It's a fundraiser for our domestic violence shelter.  There are tons of artists doing chalk drawings on a couple blocks of the downtown area.  Here are a couple favorites:

After walking around the pastels festival, we stopped at a favorite ice cream shop for a treat!  

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough - yum!

What have you been up to this week?  Hope it's been a good one.  Linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. We have lots of squirrels around here too. They run around with walnuts from the tree on the property behind us. What a wonderful gift for your friends’ anniversary! Happy stitching!

  2. Your sampler is SWEET! I'm sure your friends will love your thoughtful gift. 50 years is quite the milestone. We will hit 45 in a couple of months. Time has a funny way of passing one by without even getting noticed until WHAM! Hahaha! Hope you have a great week!

  3. The squirrel sampler is really cute. The embroidery project is going to be a very pretty gift. Happy stitching today.

  4. Love that squirrel sampler! Your friends will love that embroidery gift. The festival sounds like fun, isn't it amazing what people can do with chalk? I can barely make a letter with chalk, let alone make beautiful artwork. But you are used to chalk, right, from your teacher days? ;)

  5. Great projects! Love a good chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream scoop!

  6. Cute sampler. In our yard the squirrels are scurrying about with walnuts, acorns and apples:0. The deer sure like our apples too! The tree is loaded but they are smaller this year.

  7. That squirrel sampler is adorable! Your stitchery will be a lovely gift for your friends. I love that lighthouse chalk art. The ice cream looks yummy too.

  8. the squirrels have been far from the house for now but I'm sure they will be close to the house soon. In the fall as soon as I put the bird feeders back outside they show up

  9. The squirrel sampler is so cute. Pretty fall colors! It’s the season. I know your friends will cherish the stitching even if belated. Hand made gifts are the best! Cool pastel drawings. Hope lots of $$ was raised for the shelter. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is a favorite of mine too!

  10. What a cherished gift that finished sampler will be! The pastels on the sidewalk are amazing. That must be quite the site. As you know, I made a couple cradle quilts this past week. Now, I'm working on turning some house blocks into a top!

  11. Love your finishes! Looks like great ice cream too. My daughter and SIL took me to frozen yogurt this afternoon.

  12. Well done on the squirrel sampler finish it's lovely and I'm sure your friends will be so happy to receive that beautiful embroidery however late. That sounds like a perfect day out to me the drawings are amazing. Have a great week. 🙂

  13. That's a nice collection of zipper blocks. Well done. I hate when a fabric I really like runs out. It happens mostly on novelty fabrics. But sometimes it is a go with that really worked well with a lot of projects.

  14. Aah your squirrel sampler is so adorable, Diann. Thank you so much for stitching it and for bringing a smile to my day. Our squirrels usually have a pear or walnut in their little paws. Bless our Home is gorgeous and will be a fabulous gift for your friends 50th. Have a wonderful week . Happy stitching and quilting.

  15. THe little squirrel sampler is super cute. The festival sounds like a lot of fun.

  16. Melisa sent us over to take a look at your squirrel sampler. I like the colors you chose, and it looks great. That's an interesting festival you shared, too. Kathy's embroidery patterns are always wonderful, and it's so nice of you to gift one for an anniversary.
