Wednesday, June 28, 2023

I Like Thursday #342

Good morning and Happy Thursday!  I'm joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.   Let's see what happy things I found to share since last week.

More bunny visits.  This little guy seemed to need a rest, and apparently the landscaping log was a good place for that.

A walk at one of our favorite natural areas.  This is the one where we always find the yellow-headed blackbirds, and they are still there, but the reeds and bushes have grown so much taller that the birds are harder to see now.  We could still hear them, though!  

I liked this view from across the lake there.

Younger son is on a long road trip, and has been texting and sharing pictures as he goes along.  This one made me smile!

Watseka, Illinois

He has been visiting historical battlefield sites in Pennsylvania, like Valley Forge and Gettysburg.  They look like fascinating places judging by his photos.  I'm enjoying traveling vicariously through him!

On Sunday I shared my finished teapot embroidery and told a couple of you that this reminds me of a vintage soup tureen that was my grandma's.  So I got it down (and dusted it :) to show you.  It's not really my style of dish, but it's kind of neat.

For the end of June and into July, LeeAnna is asking if we enjoy going to the county or state fair in our area.  We haven't done that often, but before Covid I remember that we did take an afternoon to wander around the Larimer County Fair here - that must have been in August of 2019. I enjoyed the quilts and the photography, also the 4-H exhibits that reminded me of the Science projects we had our 5th graders do.  But I LOVED the animal exhibits - especially the chickens!  So many different kinds - some didn't even look like chickens!

Hope you having a great week!


  1. Oh, I love that tureen!! Cute bunny. It is fun to see all the different chickens - we like that competition at the state fair every year.

  2. The soup tureen does look like it could be part of the set the tea pot comes from. We've seen some fun water towers in out of the way places, but not the one your son shows. Enjoy your stitching time this weekend.

  3. That teapot really does resemble your Grandma's dish. Oh my that chicken is really interesting, looks like someone took him to the groomers!! Your son seems to be having a great trip! How long does he plan to be gone?

  4. I'm in love with that soup tureen! That is my kind of thing, and it looks beautiful with the embroidery. You son's trip sounds like a dream to me. I visited Gettysburg with my folks in the 1960s and was quite taken with it, even as a teen. We used to vacation to states that had Civil War battlegrounds, and Daddy was a history buff.

  5. I love that soup tureen - not my style either but I love it. I hate battle field parks LOL - my husband loves them - to me they are boring but I know a lot of people like going through them - I usually like the information center and visitor centers for them but going through the old cemetery etc is not something that holds my interest.
    I haven't been to the county fair in years - I need to do that again sometime and see what they have - really it must be 12 years or more since I went to it.

  6. Your embroidery is gorgeous. It coordinates well with the tureen. Maybe you can find a way to display them together? You might like the dish better than you thought.

  7. That is a gorgeous view! That chicken is hilarious!

  8. I hope your son did the driving tour through Gettysburg. That's still one of our favorite trip memories! I made a quilt that resembles that chicken!

  9. Cute bunny! I like how well your embroidery goes with the tureen.

  10. Aaah such a sweet bunny. Your teapot embroidery does go well with your beautiful tureen. Such a treasure. I think looking at the animals at the fairs is one of my favorite activities and I agree the chickens are a hoot to look at . Happy stitching.

  11. Oh I am SO glad to hear of your yellow-headed blackbirds! We had them in Alberta at our acreage that backed onto a large pond, the first time I'd seen them there, as we didn't have them at our other acreage, but there wasn't a pond there nor much for trees as was the second acreage. For the last 2 or 3 years we lived on the second acreage, we didn't see any of them come in to our feeders, so I was concerned, as I knew even then (this is 11+ years ago) that birds were seriously in decline. I love watching our rabbits too, here in Ontario - they're so sweet, unlike the weird jackrabbits we had in Alberta!
