Wednesday, June 14, 2023

I Like Thursday #340

Happy Thursday!  We Coloradans just have to crow a little bit about our Denver Nuggets who just won the NBA Championship for the first time in team history!  Mike has been a fan for as long as the team has been in existence, so he's been pretty excited.  We haven't gone to a game in a long time, but used to go quite a bit before kids and while the kids were growing up.  Lots of good memories there!

In other news, it just won't quit raining around here.  We've gotten more than half of our precipitation for the year just in May and the first half of June!  The growing things are very happy, like my tomato plant.

And the flower pots, too!

I love this rose over at my mom's place!  It is such a pretty combination of yellow and peach.  It will still be blooming in October.

Father's Day is coming up, so I wanted to share this favorite photo of my dad with our younger son, Kevin, I think taken in 1985, around Kevin's first birthday.  

My dad passed away only a few years later, and I found this photo stuck underneath a piece of furniture after he died, so it's precious to me.  I so wish my dad could have known his grandkids as adults - he would have enjoyed them very much!

Just today (Weds) I finished this book - it's the most recent book in the Ruth Galloway series, by Elly Griffiths.  It's a really good one!

It turns out that it's also actually the last book in the series!
When I discovered that, I have to admit I shed a few tears.  
I have gotten very attached to the main characters in this series!  
Apparently, the author feels like she is done writing about them, 
which I can understand, but darn!  
She explains more about it in this article.

Hope you're having a great week!
Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color!


  1. Such a wonderful photo of your dad and youngest son. I can tell you miss him so, Diann. Your rose bush is absolutely amazing and your tomato plant looks fabulous.Happy Thursday.

  2. Your Mom's rose looks like the ones I have in my front beds. They are so prolific and bloom all summer long.

  3. Yay for the Nuggets! Your tomatoes and flowers look lush. I think our rain has ended for awhile, now summer heat will set in.
    That is a sweet photo of your Dad and son. I know that feeling of loss.
    Wow, sounds like Elly Griffiths fans are not happy! I can't remember if I ever read that her book or not, think I'll try it.

  4. Your plants are looking wonderful. We need rain badly, could you send some out way please, LOL. Great treasure of a photo of your dad and young son.

  5. it looks like my library has some of that author but not all of them - I will write the name down for future reading after I catch up on some I in the process of now.

  6. So glad you've had rain. We've had some, but not enough to get us out of water restrictions. I'll have to get caught up on the Ruth Galloway series. I had no idea the most recent book was the last one. It's always sad when a good series ends.

  7. All the plant pics are beautiful. We keep watering here in the Midwest because apparently Colorado is hogging all our rain! haha! That is a very sweet picture of your father & son.

  8. That is a sweet photo. My Dad didn't live long enough to know my sons as adults either. I like to think they would have enjoyed each other.

  9. Ooh - your tomato is so much farther along than mine is! Always sad to hit the end of a series.

  10. Yay Nuggets. We cheered the team from Oregon. Love the photo of your dad. He loved his grandchild!! I am late to the Elly Griffiths party of the Ruth Galloway series. I've enjoyed what I've read and look forward to reading the next in the series. I will be sad when I get to the end. I love Ruth!!!

  11. You could send some of that rain my way, we could use it. Today the skies are clear, but most of this week has been hazy from the Canadian wildfires. I didn't know the author stopped writing that series - now I need to get the next one!

  12. What a fun find the pic of your dad and son. We have had a few hard thunderstorms since I moved in but mostly warm days and really cool nights. Gorgeous roses, I have to figure out how to keep the deer out of the ones in the little garden. Oh you just broke my heart by saying that it is the final book in the Dr. Ruth Galloway series.
