Wednesday, May 31, 2023

I Like Thursday #338

LeeAnna has declared the month of June to be ice cream month for I Like Thursdays, and I can get on board with that!  The question for this week is - what's your favorite ice cream flavor?  Well, that's an easy one!

I don't get it very often anymore, but when we do go to Baskin Robbins, that is what I order.  Hmmm... it must be time for a little ice cream field trip!  Or buy some and bring it home - then there could be more than one bowl! 

I was googling Jamoca Almond Fudge to find out how long it's been around, and while I didn't get that question answered, I did find this article about BR's co-founder, Irvine Robbins, who died in 2008.  Apparently my favorite flavor was also his!

Over the long weekend, we had a chance to do a little wandering at our favorite local trail areas.  At one, we found lots of yellow-headed blackbirds, a favorite bird of ours to look for this time of year.  Mike got some great photos!

On our other outing, we enjoyed seeing this goose family swimming along!

And a pretty Columbine!

And, this being primarily a quilting blog, I thought you would get a kick out of this one - who knew there was such a thing?!

This was in a native plant area, and there were many of these painted rocks
that helped identify what was growing.

In my actual sewing room, I've been working on House #8 for the Rainbow Neighbourhood and the pieces and parts are ready to sew together.

I'm not sure about that green for the grassy strip yet, but maybe.  
In real life, the batik that I'm using for the house front (around and above the door) 
is much more purple than it looks in this photo.

I'm ready to sew this up today!

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color 




  1. Oh yum! That ice-cream flavour sounds absolutely delicious! I don't think we get that brand here in Australia... well not anywhere near where I live. Enjoy the rest of your week :)

  2. That is a great ice cream flavor. I like green pistachios ice cream which I thought of as I was looking at the green strip for your house. I like the hexagon flower very much!

  3. That was always my favorite BR flavor, too. Beautiful bird pics. We have a Redwing Blackbird couple at our feeder every evening. They are almost too big to stay on the spinning perch.

  4. I love ice cream especially with chocolate and salted caramel topping! I like another brand's dark chocolate with chocolate chunks.

  5. My favourite ice cream flavour is Bear Claw…chocolate ice cream with chocolate covered cashews. Yum! Your colourful neighbourhood is growing.

  6. I've never tried that flavor but it sounds delicious. I like almost any flavor by Blue Bell (made in Texas), but gosh it's so expensive now. We buy Vanilla Bean when it's on sale, and I make homemade hot fudge sauce. That little house is so pretty!

  7. we do not have Baskin Robbins near us but when I see it that is the flavor I always get - I just love it. I have seen painted rocks on someones blog - she paints some up every year and leaves in places for people to find but I have never seen one personally.

  8. Love the hexie flower on the house. I'm looking forward to maple creemee's (soft serve) this summer. That is a beautiful bird - such vibrant yellows.

  9. The Columbine is so pretty. Mine did not come back this year. :(

  10. That ice cream sounds to be delicious. I have never seen this brand here. The Columbine flower is beautiful. And the new house plan looks great, Diann!

  11. hmmmm your ice cream sounds wonderful... I'll have one to go please. The yellow headed bird is brilliant in color, so striking good photo!

  12. We used to get Baskin Robbins all the time when I was a kid. I like the painted rocks as identifiers. I like your latest house!

  13. Diann - joining you from I Like Thursday! I am learning that there are a whole lot of flavors of ice cream out there, that I don't know anything about!

    I remember my first sighting of a Yellow-Headed Blackbird a few years ago, after we moved to Montana. I was over the moon. And now, we see them down at our lake every summer!

  14. I've never had your favorite flavor, but it sounds yummy. I like those yellow headed black birds, they are very vivid. Hope you can get in some more nice walks before the summer heats up.

  15. That ice cream flavour sounds so good. Just in from doing some gardening so hot and hungry. I love your hexie square and I find colours are not translating that well either in photos esp. the very ones you want to.
    I've never seen a yellow headed stunning and kudos to Mike for great shots.How nice to get out on a trail like that too.

  16. Wow, that yellow-headed blackbird is a sight to see!!!

  17. I am in favour of an ice cream month!
    We lost our local Baskin Robbins in the pandemic... so sad!

  18. I forgot all about Jamocha Almond Fudge! I used to get that all the time when we had a BR. They closed up shop probably about 15 years ago BUT .... they just reopened IN MY TOWN about 2 months ago. I need to make a trip! I used to also get a JAF Sundae Bar too, I think it was. That would really be great if they were still around. Anyway, love that you saw a goose family too. Ours have moved on to the bigger pond for now. We'll see them come Aug/Sept but they will be juveniles by then. Enjoy that ice cream!
