Friday, February 3, 2023

This and that...

It has definitely been a week of working on this and that.  After last week's post where I shared my little mini quilt made of leftover cut off triangles from Snow Goose, I was sure I was done with those tiny triangles!  But evidently not because for this week's Stay at Home Round Robin border, Wendy called for stars.  I love Friendship Stars and those little HSTs in blue and white made from the cut off triangles were perfect for a few stars.

But that's as far as I got!  How these stars will become part of the next border is still to be determined.  Maybe I will combine them with this coming week's border - looking forward to Monday to see what comes next!

Meanwhile I pulled out a project that has slowly evolved over the last two RSC years - the chandelier blocks.  Who knows why I have moved so slowly on this one, but these blocks are finally ready to sew up into a quilt top! 

Sewing up the top right corner with blocks and setting triangles.

And I got started on pink for February by making a few Split Nines and Zipper blocks as leader/enders.  Some pieces and parts are ready to go when I get back to work, this afternoon, hopefully!

Sharing at Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life for SAHRR Border #2
Soscrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday and at 


  1. Gosh, I love your spool border! Wish I had thought of that. Since I haven't actually done anything, maybe ... I'm also inspired to make another chandelier quilt; it's such a great way to use up scraps.

  2. I love your zipper blocks! Makes me want to pull mine out and work on it.

  3. I'm working on my stars but still don't have a clue about the spools. They might get left out, hee-hee! How nice that you have enough chandelier blocks to make into a quilt. I really like the fabric for the setting triangles. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Love the turquoise setting triangles with your chandelier blocks. This will be a very pretty quilt! Great pinks! I still need to get my pink scrap bin out.

  5. Smart to use those as leader and enders.... I think I'll prep my blocks and do the same. Love the little friendship star blocks too.

  6. You could pretend those friendship stars are little snowflakes:) I love all the chandelier quilts I have seen and there are a ton out there! I am so tempted but I am trying to hold off at least until I clear out a bunch of UFO's. What method do you use for sizing the setting triangles? I have never been good at that.

  7. love the turquoise for the setting triangles

  8. I got about that far sewing my chandelier blocks together before the move. I didn't bring it with me to the temp apt, so your cute blocks are making me excited to someday get it out & finish it!

  9. I made some friendship star blocks too, but only four. My SAHRR is headed in a different direction, so, the borders are added sparingly! Fun to see you chandelier blocks making a quilt. I’m fond of the aqua setting triangles too! I spy penguins kin your split nines! 🙂
    Have a restful weekend and a good next week!Fingers crossed!

  10. Great blocks, Diann. I actually love the look of Friendship Stars even though I know they are easy to make. And tiny like that, adorable even.

  11. really nice projects - your fabrics are so pretty

  12. Lots of fun here Diann. Love the chandelier blocks and your tiny stars. You'll think of the right way to use them, I am sure!

  13. Perfect projects for an RSC transition week, Diann!!

  14. So glad the stars helped you use up those little HSTs - they look great! Fun to see you laying out the chandelier blocks too - and all that bright, happy pink must be fun to play with!

  15. Ooh - I like all these, especially the little blue stars.

  16. What a fun post! Where to start? … I’m so happy to see your chandelier quilt back out again (I wondered if I’d missed its finish…). The bright border is perfect! So glad you switched to the split nines with the solid center. There are so many creative ways to set these blocks - remind me to hunt up a link for you sometime! And the Zipper blocks - what can I say? They’re totally addicting and always adorable!! Finally, our dear Wendy always calls stars for the SAHRR - she’s OUR star, isn’t she?!? I love how you put them near the corners, and Vicki was right that they look like little winter snowflakes! What a super delightful post, Diann!!

  17. I have a box of chandelier blocks somewhere and should really find them and sew them together. I love the color you used for the setting triangles.

  18. Pretty blue and pink blocks. Glad you're working on the Chandelier quilt again, it's beautiful. Love your zipper blocks, great way using up those small squares.

  19. Love how your SAHRR is evolving! and the turquoise border triangles on the chandelier quilt is just perfect.

  20. I don't know what project I like more here. So pretty! How are your eyes doing? Your sewing looks good (and straight! Haha!) so I'd say all is well?

  21. Your blocks looks beautiful and now you will have a quilt top ready for quilting. All your blocks look great and the round Robin your working on is unique. Have a awesome day.

  22. I’m a fan of friendship stars too. Your winter quilt is off to a lovely start. I’ve been wanting to make a chandelier quilt too. Ha! Maybe one day. Your pink blocks are looking good.

    Michelle - My Bijou Life

  23. What a great add to your winter quilt project!

  24. Your quilt is going to be adorable.

  25. Love that turquoise with the chandelier blocks. Sometimes blocks need to age, like fine wine, before we decide they are ready to be made into a quilt. (At least that is what I tell myself with all the block groups I have stashed through out my studio!) Your pinks make me want to pull out pinks to make my RSC blocks! They look terrific.

  26. I love all of your blocks! The blue and white stars will go nicely in your SAHRR and the chandelier and zipper blocks are so pretty.

  27. Another wonderful array of quilts-in-the-making! I came across the three zipper blocks I've made thus far: another squirrel has leapt across my path.

  28. Love the way you're doing your SAHRR. Nothing prettier for a winter piece than bright blues and white!
