Wednesday, January 25, 2023

I Like Thursday #320

 It's been an interesting week at my house - bright and early on Monday morning I had my first cataract surgery!   I really liked and appreciated the staff at the surgery center that's connected to my eye doctor's office.  They were upbeat and efficient and very friendly!  Everything seems to have gone just as it should.

Now I'm actually looking forward to the next one on Feb. 6th, 
so that I will have two eyes that work the same!

I'm thankful for Roseanne's post at Home Sewn By Us about Sue's experience with cataract surgery.  I read it more than once!  My experience seems to be almost exactly like Sue described.  Thanks, Roseanne!

Also thankful for friends who have checked in by phone, text, and email.  Thanks for the card, Judy!

Really thankful for ebooks where you can make the font as big as you want!  I've been reading A World of Curiosities, the latest Louise Penny novel about Inspector Gamache.  It's a good one!

I was needing some fabric therapy yesterday, but not too sure I should be operating the rotary cutter yet, so I decided to pull out a scrap bin and sew a crumb block.  If you ask me my favorite color, I will most likely say Green, and that's the scrap bin I pulled out.  Even just sorting the bits by their shade of green was soothing.

I did make two crumb blocks - a bright green and a darker one.

However, since I started sewing along with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, my favorite color truly is whatever color we're sewing with in any given month!  I definitely enjoy making quilts with all the colors of the rainbow.   I think my most favorite RSC quilt I've ever made is Rainbow Rails, finished sometime in 2020.

Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday!"
I'm joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color.  


  1. So happy your surgery went well. I'm still not a candidate but, like you, the surgery center is attached to my new (local) eye care center when I need it. Thanks for the recommendation on Louise Penny. I am looking for Kindle books to take on our trip next week. Rainbow Rails is my favorite, too!

  2. I had cataract surgery on both eyes on the same day in 2021. Everything is clearer and brighter since then. So glad your surgery went well! Love playing with my scraps too…problem is the scrap bins are still full….

  3. Glad to hear your surgery went well and you've even been able to get in a little sewing since. Hopefully the rest of your recovery goes well.

  4. Your surgery place looks a lot like the one I was in, and I also appreciated the kindness and efficiency of the staff at mine. I listened as they interacted with each patient as if they were the only one there that day. So glad all went well, and so nice you were able to make some crumbs!

  5. Glad to hear you came through your cataract surgery just fine. So how is it going to see with one eye done and not the other?

  6. Glad that your surgery went so well! Your Rainbow rails look terrific!

  7. glad the surgery went ok. I read the link you gave for Sue and their experience was different then mine but most likely they all do it somewhat differently. I don't recall wearing an eye patch for more than the drive home and if they strapped my head down it was after I was out LOL

  8. Happy to hear your first eye surgery went well. You have a lot of nice things here to 'like' especially the kindness of your friends.

  9. Glad your surgery went well. Sorting through scraps is fun. Like treasure for us artists!

  10. I'm glad the surgery went well! A World of Curiosities is getting close to the top of my reading list. I can't wait!

    Isn't it fun to play with so many colors?

  11. Good to hear your first surgery went well. I was thinking of you. I thought World of Curiousities was a good entry in the series and it was interesting to have the flashbacks to earlier books. I'm sure you'll be back to your regular sewing soon after the 2nd surgery.

  12. I hope your snug in bed as I’m posting this. I am late reading I Like Thursday posts. Busy , today it was! I’m pleased to know the USPS service between your house and mine, worked as I had hoped! Love your green crumbs, I sewed blur ones yesterday. I’ll be adding World of Curiosities to my TBR list! Thanks!

  13. I am so glad that your surgery went well, Diann. You have a fabulous selection of greens that you are working with. So glad you have been able to enjoy piecing crumb blocks.

  14. Hurrah for fir cataract surgery! I had surgery on both eyes two years ago. I’m still in awe with the clarity and richness of color that I see. I was very nearsighted before surgery. Now if I want instant blurriness I put on my readers, lol.

  15. Good to read that your surgery went well. Here's to Feb 6th running just as smoothly! Love your Rainbow Rails too. So colorful.

  16. So glad your first cataract surgery went well. I also like green, especially minty greens - I have quite a few articles of clothing in that color!
