Wednesday, January 11, 2023

I Like Thursday #318

 Good morning!

It's the time of year for pretty sunrises!
We still have snow on the ground, but a lot of it has melted 
after a lovely 60 degree day yesterday.

I love my book group!  We met on Monday afternoon, and discussed Lessons in Chemistry, a great book.  One of our members lives in Arizona in the wintertime, so we Zoomed her in.  Our host had her computer sitting on a lazy Susan so that we could turn it depending on who was talking!

Two of our favorite PBS shows are back on, "All Creatures Great and Small" and "Finding Your Roots."  We've enjoyed episodes of both this week!

What kind of calendar do you keep?  Mine is very old school - a paper calendar that I get for free!  Our Medicare insurance specialist gives them out, and Mike and each got one.  Jack gives out great pens, too, as well as helping us and my mom with our Medicare supplement choices.

January has filled up!

I finally was inspired to get the Frosties quilt back out and get the final borders on this week.  It's turning out to be so fun!  Now I just need to figure out the backing and get it ready to quilt.

Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday!"
Be sure to check out all the positive posts at Not Afraid of Color!


  1. I'm like you - old school - calendar on top of the microwave in the kitchen that we write on - of course it could be moved but the phone (years ago) was mounted on the wall in the kitchen in the area where the microwave is and it just seems like a good place to keep it! We both write in it and then we have no conflicts.

  2. I read Lessons in Chemistry last year. Great book! Our book club is discussing Charlotte’s web today. We also love those two tv shows and watch them faithfully! I wish there were more episodes…I’m always disappointed when they are done for the year. The frosties quilt is looking great.

  3. We have our calendars synced on our phones. It’s easy to keep track of of what each of us is doing this way.

  4. We enjoy All Creatures too, so fun that the next season is finally here. We use an electronic calendar as well as the one on the wall in the kitchen. The electronic one will email us when something important to attend to, like paying a bill or ordering supplies needed on a regular schedule. We watched Knives Out - Glass Onion last night and enjoyed it, it is long but we didn't notice as the story was entertaining.

  5. What a beautiful sunrise! Gracie & I enjoy them (when visible) on our morning walks. I read this article this morning and thought of you. I don't know if you saw it already so I'll share the link.

    Maybe on your Frosty McChill? Have a great Thursday!

  6. Paper calendars, all the way! I get so tired of using my cell phone or computer for everything! Beautiful sunrise - enjoy your day!

  7. Your book club looks fun! Of course I'm all about the food at those gatherings, so that interests me as much as the book - lol! I like your snowy scene. How nice it will be to have your Frosties quilt done.

  8. The sunrises here have been awesome too! A beautiful sunrise can just make my day! I probably need to find a book club! I was in one then quit going when the discussions became more political than literary! Hope you have a fab weekend and it’ll be fun to get Frosties closer to the finish line!

  9. Hi Diann! What a clever way to keep your AZ book club member in the loop. I love the Lazy Susan idea! Frosties - I just printed out each month to start working on someday soon. I really look forward to seeing how you decide to quilt this. I never know if you should go over the stitching or not. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. I keep two calendars - one on the wall, and the other online. You do have pretty sunrises!

  11. I really enjoyed Lessons in
    Chemistry. Very quirky, but a good read. Can't wait to see how you quilt the Frosty quilt. What a lot of work in all that embroidery. It's been so gray and gloomy here, there haven't been many sunrises or sunsets to see. Rain today turning to snow tomorrow. I try to use my phone calendar, but really prefer a printed one.

  12. what a fun looking book club! Of course you'd be in one, the retired librarian! I keep track of the books you like to check out myself!

  13. Diann - love the look of Frosties! It seems to me that the squares would make terrific individual embroidery projects!

    How does your book group choose its books? Thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. The Frosties quilt looks great! I love the sashing and borders, really sets it off! I'm enjoying both of those shows as well. Just watched the first episode of Finding your Roots for the season last night! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  15. Our warm day was Wednesday, by yesterday we had a front come through and cool things down. Hope your cataract surgeries go smoothly and you can get back to stitching really soon.

  16. Such a pretty winter morning. It has been spitting a bit of snow here today , but nothing has laid. How wonderful that your book club was able to meet . I am like you - an old school free calendar. I do like the ones that you have space to write on. Your Frosties look amazing and you found the most perfect border fabric. Thank you so much for sharing it. Seeing your quilt brought a warm smile to my night.

  17. I loved Lessons in Chemistry. And I watched Season 3 of All Creatures. I wish each season was longer! I like to keep a wall calendar. I am waiting for mine to arrive. I have uploaded photos to go with it. Post is slow though. been in transit for awhile.
