Friday, April 15, 2022

A little more with pink...

In my Thursday post, I shared that I had lots of tulips ready to bloom, and then we had a record low temperature Wednesday morning, which resulted in the poor tulips all bent over and laid out on the ground!  They never did perk up, so rather than give up on them, I went out later in the day and cut a bunch to bring in and see if I could save them.

And look!

There's some pretty pink!

In the sewing room, I've been finishing up my pink blocks for the month - Masala Boxes and Chandelier blocks.

It's always fun to put groups of blocks up on the design wall as I add the new colors.  Here's how my design wall is looking this week.

I made two chandelier blocks in every color last year, 
so decided to add two more in each color this year.


Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday and at 


  1. What pretty tulips--they came back for you!! How wonderful just in time for Easter, too..
    Your pink blocks are really pretty...Have a Happy Easter! :)))
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I hope you went out and cut the rest of your tulips so you can still enjoy them! Your RSC pinks play nicely with all the other colors you have done.

  3. Glad you saved a few tulips. Your pink blocks are a pretty addition to the collections. Have a happy Easter weekend!

  4. You’ve got to lovely quilts coming together! I admire your diligence! I’m glad you could save your tulips! They are my favorite!

  5. Oh your tulips look lovely--and so does that table runner!!! Love your projects! I adore the strands of chandelier blocks! Have a wonderful weekend and holiday!

  6. I'm glad your tulips perked up - guess they needed some warmth!

  7. Marvellous progress! This is my favourite way to build a quilt, which I learned being part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

  8. Those tulips perked right up! Wonderful. I love those Masala and Chandelier blocks. I think there might be a dive into Masala at some point this year. But maybe I should finish up some of the current projects first. HaHaHa

  9. pretty pink progress! love the pink tulips, too!

  10. Pretty PINK additions to your RSC block collections, Diann, and good save on the tulips, too!

  11. Love your design wall. It looks scrumptious right now with those blocks!

  12. Gourgeous pink tulips and your Pink blocks for this week look really nice on the design wall.Happy Easter, Diann.

  13. Everything's looking pretty in pink at your house. Happy Easter.

  14. Beautiful blocks, the chandelier ones look so pretty. I'm not familiar with the other blocks so I'll be interested to see them all come together.

  15. Glad you were able to rescue the tulips. They sure look nice on the table. Love the Masala blocks and the chandelier blocks. Have a great Easter.

  16. Pretty pink tulips, and pretty blocks on your design wall! Happy Easter!

  17. Love the blocks on the design wall!

  18. I discovered some beautiful yellow tulips in a side garden I rarely go to. Your RSC wall is so pretty. I may have to make another Masala Box quilt.

  19. Loving your colorful design wall Diann. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  20. Loving all your 'pink progress' up on the design wall.

  21. your design wall is so pretty!
    The projects are growing!!!

  22. Your design wall is looking awesome!
