Wednesday, November 3, 2021

I Like Thursday #259

Hello, friends!   Thanks for visiting on I Like Thursday, hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.   It's a day to share some good things from the previous week!

There was another pretty sunrise the other morning!  This is taken with  Mike's fancy Nikon, and I love how the color is seen through the almost bare tree branches across the street.

We've enjoyed seeing these little guys at our feeders again recently - lesser goldfinches.   Our guess is that we are on their migration route, as we only see them for a short time in spring and fall.

We watched an interesting documentary on Netflix last night, "Found."  It's about three girls who were adopted as babies by American families, after being left somewhere by their Chinese parents.   It was not uncommon for Chinese parents to leave their babies (especially girls) in places where they knew they would be found and then taken to orphanages because of China's One Child Policy that ended in about 2016.  

I finished this fun story the other day.  It's my book club's pick for December.  This is definitely a children's book, and as I read it I wished I still had a classroom of kids to read it, too.   There are lots of fantastical characters and would make for a good class discussion.

We had to run up to Cheyenne, Wyoming, yesterday to see Mike's mom, so before we left to come home, I visited their LQS and did a little stash enhancement.  I've been wanting to collect a few black on white prints for a possible future project.  I thought these were fun!

I especially love that text print!

Have a great Thursday!


  1. Gorgeous sunrise! One can't have too many B-on-W priints.

  2. Beautiful shot by Mike! Do those pretty goldfinches mind being called "lesser"? ;) Nice additions to your stash. I am trying hard to stay away from my LQS but my husband suggested yesterday that we "find the right binding" for Autumn Jubilee. He actually said I didn't have enough browns, so I may have to break down!

  3. I love your black/white prints. I will need to stock up again when I get done with my quilt Stars as I have almost depleted my supply of them. Sometimes you can find good ones but I made a mistake in ordering one print that wasn't anything like it looked on line and was more light blue/black which I didn't like.
    You remind me to get the bird feeders cleaned up and back out - I don't leave them out in the warm months. The show you watched looks interesting.

  4. Hmmm, I knew about the One Child Only policy in China but I didn't know that it had been lifted. Great B&W fabrics. I'd pick the scientific notation print! Have a great day!

  5. we've had those precious yellow birds too! I wondered what they were, what a bright spot on the landscape they are. Your photos are spectacular, and I'd like those B&W prints too! I was adopted, and the idea that a mother feels she must give up her girl is so sad... boys are not better just half the equation... but cultural beliefs are strong

  6. Hi,
    Beautiful Sunrise! Your book sounds interesting, I'll
    have to check my library for that one. I really like
    your fabric, I like the one with text. Have a great day!

  7. What a pretty sunrise, and beautiful birds. Love those fabrics, too!

  8. Beautiful sunrise and a great picture of the goldfinch. I don't think I've seen any goldfinches in several years. I'd probably have bought all those B&W fabrics as well, although I have a pretty good collection of them right now.

  9. Love those sunrise colors! Didn't know Rowling had come out with another book. Those black-and-white prints look fun.

  10. I like your likes! Love your LQS “haul”!”loot”, or “adoption”! The sunrises have been gorgeous lately! Mine are obscured with utility poles etc! dang,

  11. Hi Diann! Oh, that sunrise is just gorgeous. I wonder if the day held storms? Whenever I see I sky like that in the AM, we have some sort of storm later in the day. You know, red sky in morning, sailor take warning (or something like that)! Huh - I didn't know JK Rowling was back in the writing game. Well, honestly, why would she stop?!! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
