Wednesday, October 13, 2021

I Like Thursday #256

Happy Thursday!  Thanks for visiting on I Like Thursday, hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.  

One day last week, we went for a scenic drive to see the Colorado fall colors, and it was beautiful.  We came across this scene - leaves and llamas!

A flock of blackbirds visited our neighborhood for a day, and they were interested in our yard because of all the bird seed.   This photo just shows maybe 1/5 of them.  I wish you could have heard the noise they made!

Speaking of the neighborhood...

I finally got around to making some applesauce out of the apples we picked recently.  It is so yummy!  I don't think there's a better scent than cooking apples with some cinnamon mixed in.

Also this week, my book club met.  We read the best book!  I definitely recommend it.  There is some sadness to it, but worth the read.

And last, but definitely not least, I've been enjoying this Kathy Schmitz embroidery design this week!   Slowly stitching along with my favorite DMC variegated blue floss, Laguna Blue, is such a lovely pleasure!

Have a great day!


  1. Oh, no! A murder in your backyard!

  2. You have such beautiful scenery in the fall. Ours won't happen until next month, but it still won't match yours. Love that embroidery, and the blue is perfect for it. I agree with you on homemade applesauce, it is SO good!

  3. Another beautiful stitchery in progress:) I need to make some apple butter, we froze the apples for now until I have more time. I can imagine the birds chirping-when we are in AZ the neighbor down the street has tons of birds that flock into one tree and boy do they make a racket every day!!

  4. I usually make a chunky applesauce in the fall and can about 8 to 10 jars and I have not done that yet if I'm going to I really need to get started on it. I love that area you have in the back yard with the tree in the corner and such pretty fall colors. We are in the beginning of fall but have no pretty colors right now

  5. Your hoe will definitely be blessed with that lovely embroidery!! I just have to thank you for posting that binding tutorial! Wow! I think I forgot to comment on your blog that day because I went right to that and then hit the sewing room! Thanks so much!!!

  6. I can hear those blackbirds! The mug made me chuckle, and that variegated thread is lovely! I bet that applesauce is just yummy!

  7. Love your new stitchery! Do you have a book of Kathy’s patterns or is it a stitch along.? Just curious. They are awesome! Loved Libby’s comment of “a murder of crows” in your backyard! We have Starlings,I think they are the same family, they’re noisy too! Thanks for the book recommendation. If I ever get my reading mojo back! I have a lengthy list!

  8. I was laughing about someone's post about feeding crows recently. As usual you have gorgeous stitching. I made crock pot applesauce for the freezer with no sugar. Not terrible.

  9. Ooh - good stuff. Love the colors. That mug is a hoot! Yum - that applesauce looks good.

  10. Love the cup! When I used to substitute teach, I'd start out by telling the class my name was a Rule Breaker - Neiwert. And then tell them how to pronounce it. Seems like I still have to do that with adults, lol. Enjoy the last half of October!

  11. Yes, Diann! Bless your home - that is lovely. As are the trees and the applesauce looks YUMMY. I adore everything apple especially sauce and crisp. Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. I'm way behind on blog reading and comments (and sewing). Cute mug, the Aspen trees look glorious and I love homemade applesauce, but my husband would rather have the little cups.

  13. that mug is clever! And I love to see an enormous flock of birds, they are noisy. Your blue embroidery is pretty, got to check out the designer who I never heard of, and that book... but can I take sadness? (don't know)
