Wednesday, September 8, 2021

I Like Thursday #252

Happy Thursday, and thanks for visiting for I Like Thursday, hosted by LeeAnna  at Not Afraid of Color!  

I do love a nice thunderstorm with a rainbow afterwards, and we got one of those the other day!

Speaking of rainbows, I have to show you my favorite glass for ice water or iced tea.  I found these at our Ace Hardware and had to have them!

My mom has down-sized twice in the last 6 months or so, from her two bedroom house to a one bedroom apartment and now to a studio apartment.  That has meant lots of decision making about what to keep and what to get rid of.  So look at this treasure trove of holiday socks she has.  A friend of Mom's in Arizona has been giving them to her for years.   

I don't think my mom has actually ever worn any of these because she likes her outfits to all "go together," but I (the retired 5th grade teacher) love them!  Even so, I'm not sure what I would do with this many holiday socks.

But I do call dibs on this pair!

Reading Linda's post on To-Do Tuesday reminded me of these blocks that I made in 2020 as leaders and enders.  I love the rainbow colors (of course!) and I like the chain effect that the four patches create.

But, since October of last year, these blocks have been in a project box!  Who knows why?  (Out of sight, out of mind, I think!)  So I'm getting them out and putting them on the list to sew into a quilt top, after I finish up the Positivity quilt.

We quilters never run out of things to do, do we?  



  1. As we got on a plane in Minneapolis this afternoon a double rainbow appeared. I knew then that we would have a good flight back to Nashville! I especially like the blue you used as the constant in your double 4-patches. I LOVE holiday socks and try to have a few for every significant holiday, but not sure I could ever use THAT many!

  2. I am so in love with your four patch quilt! I'm going to use it for inspiration for mine! I'm not much on holiday socks (usually get them for the kids though) but you must have those penguin socks!!!! Love your rainbow glasses and your actually rainbow! Have a great day Diann!

  3. well it looks like you could have a different pair of socks every day from Thanksgiving to Xmas :) -- yes I remember when mom had to downsize for each move - it is amazing the things we find we do not need anymore

  4. How nice you got a thunderstorm AND a rainbow! Looks like you picked the best of the lot as your favorite pair of socks. ;) Love that glass - doesn't Ace have some nice things? Your four patches are so, so pretty, and that blue background just makes the chains pop!

  5. Your thunderstorm sounds like one of those nice roll through, take down the heat and head on. Love the glass, no wonder it is a favorite. LOL the socks. I bet some teen kid would love all of those, or a fresh funky adult. Your four patches are gorgeous!

  6. I like the light blue with your four-patches -- rainbow in a blue sky!

  7. That is a lot of holiday socks, lol. Of course you had to keep the penguin pair.

  8. Oh, those glasses are really fun, and so are the socks! Definitely keep the penguin pair!

  9. Lots of good stuff to like this week, Diann! I'm glad you came across those RSC block and added them to "your list" of thing to get done.

  10. Hi Diann! Those penguin socks are so stinkin' cute!!! That is a LOT of holiday socks! I have a few pairs myself that I'm saving . . . for what, I don't know! I'm so glad you found your 4-patch project. It was just waiting for the right time and this is it! ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. What a wonderful rainbow photo. And so many holiday socks. Keep a few pairs and pass them on. They will spread joy to many others. I expect none of us are ever going to run out of projects that need finishing.

  12. Ooh! what a rainbow! Look at all those socks! They are fun.

  13. Rainbows are so special!and your photo is super! I love Holiday socks! When I worked I had a different pair everyday of the week! Now nobody cares, but I still like them! How cool you found a penguin pair and argyle to boot! Great to see your four patches out of the project box! It will be a great quilt!

  14. As quilters, our lives are full of color, some in our stash and some that we become more aware of because we work with colors. Love the rainbow glass tumbler. Can those socks be made into a quilt?

  15. Those glasses are really cool and so are all those holiday socks. You should definitely claim the penguins, those are really cute.
