Sunday, March 28, 2021

Outstanding Blogger Award

 I was so surprised to discover that Mary of Quilting is in my Blood nominated me for an Outstanding Blogger Award, and I appreciate that so much!  I've been inspired by many Outstanding Bloggers in the years since I began my blog, and I'm flattered to be counted among them.  Thank you, Mary!

I started my blog in 2013,  after I discovered the world of quilt blogging and wanted to join in.  This is my 1044th post!  My blog name "Little Penguin Quilts" comes from a mini quilt I made shortly before I started the blog.

Mary explained in her post, here, that the Outstanding Blogger Award is given from one blogger to another as a way of supporting and acknowledging each other.  She also gave me some questions to answer, so here goes!

  • What advice would you give to yourself as a novice quilter now that you’re a much more experienced quilter?   There are no Quilt Police!  Try lots of techniques and make what you like, and don't stress out if it isn't the same as your quilting friends!
  • Is there another handcraft besides sewing/quilting that you enjoy doing?  Over the last few years I've discovered that I really enjoy embroidery!  My favorite designers are Gail Pan and Kathy Schmitz.  I've enjoyed finishing off lots of little projects for gifts and to decorate my sewing room.

  • What is your favorite part about making a quilt?  I really like the initial phase of making blocks for a quilt.  The time when you're excited to get started and see how the design is going to look.  I definitely slow down when it's time to finish a quilt, but then love sewing the binding!
  • What is your least favorite part about making a quilt?  My least favorite part is the basting stage.  But once I get past that, I'm happy to be quilting and finishing it up!  I did get my Stay at Home Round Robin spray basted and ready to quilt this afternoon (Sunday) - yippee!  More about that one in tomorrow's To-do Tuesday post.
  • Where do you find your quilting inspiration? Everywhere!  Especially from other bloggers and their projects.  I have way more ideas for quilts than I will ever have the opportunity to make,  but I keep trying!
  • What quilt project have you done that would you like do again?  I love any design made with Half Square Triangles, like the Rainbow Zigzags I finished earlier this year.  I know I'll be making lots more HSTs in the future!

I would like to nominate these quilty friends for the Outstanding Blogger Award.  They are quilters who inspire me every week with their creative accomplishments!  

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal
LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color 

Please don't feel obligated to participate, but if you choose to write a post about yourself, here are some questions to answer!
  • What got you started on your blogging journey?
  • What's your proudest accomplishment as a quilter?
  • What makes you laugh the most?
  • What's the best quilty gift you were ever given?
  • What's on your quilty bucket list?


  1. Fun read, Diann! I think basting is my least favorite too.


  2. Congratulations and well deserved!

  3. Congratulations! I'm with you on the excitement of getting started and seeing the design emerge. Dealing with scraps is my least favorite part.

  4. How fun! Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your blogs, even though I don't comment on every one.

  5. Diann it's so interesting to read about your journey and see what makes you "tick" in the sewing room. One of my hardest battles has been to try to ignore the imaginary Quilt Police - lol! I draw inspiration from you every time you post and have so enjoyed reading about your life and quilty adventures.
    And thank you for choosing me - I feel SO honored!! I have preop appointments and several tasks to complete prior to surgery next Monday, so I won't take the time to nominate other much more deserving bloggers. But I will make a quick post and do my best to answer those intriguing questions. ;)

  6. it is always interesting to read how people answer questions about themselves and quilting. I have always wondered about the "little penguin" and never remember to ask! always nice to read what others say is the least interesting part! for me I think it is cutting the pieces!

  7. Such fun to read! I had such a difficult time choosing who to nominate - I wanted to nominate everyone :-) We need to challenge each other when it comes to basting, since I dislike that step too! Enjoy your day today. Congrats!

  8. OMG I am beyond thrilled that you would nominate me Diann!! Thank you, I feel special today;) Fun reading your answers to the questions. I have scheduled my post for tomorrow as I will be out of range for a few days this week;)
