Saturday, January 30, 2021

Slow Stitching this week

 I've been continuing to work on some needle turn applique with these tulip blocks designed by Audrey at Quilty Folk.  I've stitched up three so far!

Yellow, pink, and peachy orange

I decided a purple tulip was needed, so all the pieces and parts are ready for slow stitching today.  I've been ironing the freezer paper templates to the right side of the fabric and that works really well for me to get the shapes cut and traced correctly.

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. So springy! I love your flowers! It makes me happy just to see them! Have a great day Diann!

  2. Very pretty flowers. Love seeing how you decided to make them with the freezer paper on the front. Happy stitching.

  3. Lovely tulips--that is a great pattern from Audrey--I like your take on the colors hugs, Julierose

  4. You are really getting into those pretty tulips. I like the start of the purple one!

  5. your applique is going so well - looks like you caught on to it really quickly!

  6. Your flower blossoms are looking lovely. Freezer paper is so handy for so many sewing things. I have heard that it can be used for food storage as well, but that doesn't seem nearly as fun!

  7. Y0u are becoming quite the pro! Do you leave the freezer paper on to guide your needle-turn?

  8. I love your pretty Audrey tulips! Can't wait to see the purple one!
    I'm a big fan of freezer paper for applique, too. What a handy tool it is!

  9. The more you make, the more I like this block!

  10. Lovely tulips, I love the pattern, and the colors you choose.

  11. I love those tulip blocks. I don't think I have seen that particular pattern before.

  12. Your applique curves are perfect, Diann. Well done
    Happy slow stitching during this Sunday.

  13. Your yellow tulips are sunshiny and happy. The purple tulip will be perfect flowering amongst your yellow pretties.

  14. Those tulips are super pretty!! I've never used freezer paper for applique.

  15. What lovely tulips! Great work! Hope you have a great week, and Happy Stitching!

  16. Very lovely tulip applique'!

  17. Very pretty. I've never done needle turn applique, I'm more of a machine blanket stitch type.
