Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I Like Thursday #219

Good morning, friends!  Technically it's "I Like Thursday," but this week I'm changing it to "I Like Wednesday!"  I liked Wednesday because I liked watching and experiencing the inauguration of President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.  I'm ready for our country to turn over to a new chapter, one of hope and healing.

I especially liked the poem written and recited by the young poet, Amanda Gorman, "The Hill We Climb."

Image source:

You can read the whole poem HERE, but I especially loved these lines.

"We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the West. We will rise from the wind-swept Northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution. We will rise from the Lake Rim cities of the Midwestern states. We will rise from the sun-baked South. We will rebuild, reconcile and recover in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful."

Other things I liked on Wednesday include this bulletin board at our local Starbucks.  It's photos of their "pupstomers" in the drive through!

They're all pretty cute, but the one that makes me laugh is third from the right in the last full row.  He's a bird named Willie!

And I'm happy with how my Stitches from the Heart project is coming along.  It's lots of tiny red and white HSTs to sew together, but it's starting to take shape!  The section in the top right will actually go in the left corner to form the heart.  

I hope you had a good Wednesday, too, and I wish you a wonderful Thursday!  Joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursday.


  1. I had to work and didn't get to see the inauguration. Thanks for the link to the whole poem, I'd seen a few articles about it, but nowhere to link to it. That heart looks like a lot of itty bitty sewing, looking good!

  2. I recognize those blocks from our virtual sew day! Great progress.

  3. I loved the young poet - she spoke so well and read her poem with such emotion. I was glad we got to watch as much of the inauguration as we wanted to, our daughter was watching clips of it all evening from a variety of sources after she got home.

  4. I’m feeling more hopeful too! Listening to Amanda Gorman was very moving! I for one, will buy her book! Loving your little hay heart! It’s coming along nicely!

  5. Love your tiny stitches of the heart. I am slowing stitching the cross stitch version but am not sure I will sew the quilt as I have sew many projects in the works. When I was typing my post for today, I thought about including Amanda Gorman's words. They resonate ... <3 Pat

  6. Those little heart HSTs gathering together are so fun. We watched part of the inauguration yesterday. The young poet laureate was pretty amazing.

  7. It was a happy and hopeful day. There's a lot of work ahead, though, as healing the wounds of the last four years will not be easy. Tiny triangles put to good use in your heart.

  8. I LOVE Wednesday, too! A breath of fresh air. At least it's something to cling to for hope. I like the bird Willie, too. Fun all around.

  9. I enjoyed watching the inauguration as I've enjoyed watching all of them through the years. Not one more hopeful than another in my book as it's always a new beginning for the new administration. Good luck to all and to our nation. Nice job on the heart project. Love the pupstomer board. Who travels with a bird? Lol!!!


  10. I watched the inauguration yesterday on TV. It was exciting, and the poem is really touching. It was like watching a chapter that will be recorded forever in world history.
    Your little heart will be pretty, Diann.

  11. I had to work, but caught Angela Gorman's poem, it was fabulous. So interesting to see how many of us bloggers said we felt like we let out a collective breath. Love your heart quilt. Bobbin is a puppercino aficionado too.

  12. Happy Wednesday and Thursday! Willie made me laugh! That heart is looking great!

  13. whew! A hope of returning to law and order after 4 years of lies. LOVE pupstomers
