Monday, September 14, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #55

Good morning!   I'm checking in today with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us

It was a different week than I expected!  I made progress on some of the things on last week's list, but not on others.  I did finish a small quilt that had been on my to-do list earlier in the year, but not recently.  Here's my finish!

I even had time to hang it today in a little nook in our master bedroom!

You can read more about this project in my Sunday post HERE.

So what was on last week's list?
1.  Continue working on the red HSTs for my zigzag quilt.  Yes, a few more were made.  24 are needed for a row, so only 6 left to make.

2.  Layer and spray baste a quilt so that it can be finished.  No progress here because I ended up finishing the blue and white quilt instead!

3.  Finish up the X's and O's mini quilt.  Progress made.  Quilting is almost finished and it will need binding.

So, for this week's list:

1.  Finish the red zigzag row.
2.  Spray baste that quilt!
3.  Finish the X's and O's mini quilt.
4.  One thing I'd *like to* work on, if there's time, are the mini Magic Star blocks I started a few weeks ago.  I have in mind to turn them into a tote bag, so I'll need to do some figuring about how many more I need and what I want to use for other parts of the bag.

Maybe I'll get to this!

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. That blue quilt looks wonderful on your wall! Those mini blocks are going to make a really cute tote bag. Is the bag pattern one you've made before?

  2. Finishing a few things is good, you'll need some space for Autumn Jubilee, I hope, LOL!!!

  3. Love your blue quilt finish--it looks so lovely on the wall!!
    I like your take on the Magic Stars block in prints...very pretty...
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. I think I have given up on lists! I never stick with them - a list well work ok for a day or two and then it gets tossed aside.

  5. Good morning, Diann! Oh that small quilt looks so nice hanging in the corner of your bedroom. It's like you planned to put it there - it is just the perfect size. Of course, I love the zig zags and your red HSTs look so nice together. Those little blocks that you're using for a tote bag are so darn cute. They remind me of little mini-flags. Thanks for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. I love that blue and white quilt on your wall. What a perfect place for it! Those magic stars will make a great tote bag!!! Have a wonderful day Diann!

  7. Done AND already on the wall?! Way to go, Diann!! Looking forward to seeing how those Mini X's turn out. More Mini Magic Stars? LOVE!!!

  8. Spray baste that quilt, then reward yourself with some fun sewing. Works for me, most of the time! You've done well this week!

  9. What a perfect spot for such a pretty quilt--makes me wanna grab a book and have a seat!

  10. You have a wonderful blue finish! Isn't it great that we can take a different direction for the week if we want.

  11. Wow, Diann, your wall quilt is so beautiful!!! I absolutely love the way you set the embroidery blocks. Great job! Looking forward to seeing your new bag!! Maybe next week?

  12. That's the perfect spot for you little blue masterpiece!

  13. The blue quilt fits perfectly in that spot. And progress was made on the zigzag blocks. Now to finish the xo quilt. You're really moving along. I guess being stuck at home has its bebefits.

  14. I just love how you finished off those Gail Pan embroideries with this pretty finish, Diann. That nook is perfect. You are moving along so well with all your projects it seems. Splendid September stitching!
