Wednesday, August 26, 2020

I Like Thursday #199

It's  Thursday and time to share positives of the past week for "I Like Thursday!"  I think this says it all...

We have to have something to laugh about, right?

I'm not laughing about this, but I did enjoy getting started on a little knitting project the other day.  I haven't done any knitting for a long time, so I thought I'd try a simple dishcloth, and found this tutorial: Easy Knit Dishcloth

The neat thing about it is you only cast on 4 stitches, and then you yarn over once every row to increase up to 45 stitches.  

And look at the pattern it makes.  I'm enjoying working on this!

I like BLT sandwiches, especially when the tomatoes come from my own garden!

The other night we went to the sculpture park near our house to watch the sunset.  The forest fires in our state are making for some dramatic sunsets!

We really liked this sculpture that we came across on our walk.

Just the two of us...

And then, just being silly!

Hope you're having a great week!  I'm joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursday.


  1. Hahaha--you gave me an early morning laugh--thanks--we all need that...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. I love a yummy BLT. But I got hives a couple of years ago after eating one and now I'm hesitant to eat one. Of course, it could have been the wine I had tasted before eating the sandwich ...

  3. Is that the new math? LOL Great likes. Your dish cloth is coming along. Great sculptures.

  4. Hi Diann! HAHA - love the math problem humor. Yes, let's work through that word problem together. I love seeing you knitting the dish cloth. My sister used to make those for me and I loved them. What a pretty yellow - are you using the cotton yarn Sugar 'n cream? Oh man, BLT sandwiches are just the BEST right now. I love just a tomato sandwich, too. YUM. Take care, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. nice sculpture that you pose in - always fun to be silly. that yellow is so neat for a dishcloth. Love BLT's but hardly ever make them because I don't like to cook bacon - silly reason - I should get some of the bacon that is already cooked and heat it up

  6. That BLT looks delicious! I really like the round stone you're peering through. I hate word problems - that one just made me laugh. :-)

  7. 500 gallons ;-)

    Love that dishcloth pattern. I do stop at 41 though as 45 is too big for my liking. You'll find your sweet spot.

  8. It's good to be silly - every day, in fact! We're getting smoke and more smoke from the CA fires. It does make for beautiful sunrises and sunsets, but extremely sad.

  9. Good Morning, Diann ... thank you for the smiles. The dishcloth does look easy. I have not knitted in years. I would need something easy. The sunset is beautiful. May the fires stay well away from you and yours and may you soon be blessed with healing rain ... <3 Pat

  10. Yep, 2020 is definitely like one of those confusing word problems! I have some yarn too, that I need to get started with. Like you, it's been awhile since I've done any knitting. Those dishcloths look kinda easy? I might have to stick with just the basics! BLTs - yum - and on such pretty plates! I enjoy seeing a photo of you too!

  11. Thanks for the chuckle. We do need to find some humor each day. A homegrown tomato makes any sandwich better. Sometimes I just make a tomato and American cheese with mayo sandwich. Your dish cloth is coming along. A quilting friend loves to make them, so I get a steady supply. Wishing you rain to clear your smoke-filled skies and put out the fires.

  12. now that is a TERRIFIC portrait of you... frame worthy! so creative. The couple in metal is touching, LOVE BLTs and I'll be right over. Tomatoes from your garden, priceless.

  13. Oh I like what you saw on your walk and the silly fun! The first funny is pretty cute too. Your BLT looks yummy...fresh tomatoes...ahhhh!

  14. It’s the truth! We cannot figure out 2020! We’ve been enjoying the dramatic sunsets here too! My phone camera isn’t as good as yours, but they were fabulous in reality! We don’t have a sculpture garden, but do have the Mayor’s Walk. Lots of new interesting sculptures this year! I need to get some photos! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for at least one tomato for a BLT. Have a great week!

  15. I love that quip! ANd your dishcloth is so cute! I made some diagonally worked ones a long time ago, and I should dig out that pattern. I hate casting on and that's the best way!!

  16. That's a pretty good description of 2020! Lots to like this week. Love the bright yellow you are using in your dish cloth. Have a great weekend.

  17. Believe it or not, we've had some fabulous sunrises and sunsets all the way here in Illinois from the fires! At least that's what the weather folks have told us. Beautiful sculpture and that BLT looks scrumptious!

  18. That saying is funny. Yes this year is something else now with fires and hurricanes added to the mix.
    Tony's favourite is BLT's. Some nights we have soup and BLT's for supper. I am getting one tomato every couple of days now...definitely not a big harvest. LOL
    Love your knitted dish cloth and isn't it neat how the pattern forms that design. I love using them.

  19. I agree, 2020 huge fail! I love BLTs!! They're my favorite! I love your knitted dish cloth. They come in handy and so quick to knit up.

  20. Indeed, 2020 makes about as much sense as that math problem!

    Lovely photos of happy things in this post!
