Wednesday, July 22, 2020

I Like Thursday #195

Hello, friends!  How are you doing?  Finding things to feel positive about?  It can be tough these days.  I have a few fun things to share this week!

I enjoyed sitting out on my back porch one morning earlier this week with my coffee and a good book!  It was quiet and cool, so pleasant.

I like finding a new author, whose books I know I'll read more of.  The one in the photo above, An Unsuitable Match, is by Joanna Trollope.  She writes realistic fiction about women and their families, set in England.   A friend loaned me this book, and I liked it a lot!

These sauteed peppers and onions made a pretty photo and were tasty, too!

We combined these with some grilled chicken, cheese, and sour cream in tortillas, to make our own version of fajitas.

We have a volunteer sunflower that has actually bloomed!  Usually the squirrels around here don't let the sunflowers get as far as blooming - they chop them down and eat them up before we see any flowers.

I appreciate all my quilty friends who inspire me and give me ideas to try in the sewing room!  The Wonky Plus blocks found at The Joyful Quilter's blog, which she found at a blog called Sugaridoo, looked like fun to make, so I tried a few.

 So... I think mine look more like X's than pluses,  lol!  Maybe a bit TOO wonky?  
 Also, for "wonky" blocks, they're kind of uniform.  Hmmm.
Well, I enjoyed playing with them, anyway!  
These are made with 5 inch background squares and
 6 inch strips in various widths, then trimmed to 4.5 inches.  

I like blog hops - visiting the blogs and (once in awhile) participating in them!  The Christmas Then and Now blog hop starts next Monday.  My day is Wednesday, July 29th.  Check out the full list of participants at Just Let Me Quilt.

Thanks for visiting today!  Be sure to check all of the I Like Thursday posts linked up at Not Afraid of Color!


  1. I like to sit on the porch in the mornings too! A good book is a plus! Homemade fajitas sound great! Maybe in a few days after DH’s mouth heals up. Dental surgery this afternoon! I think I’ll be doing puddings, jello, soups and mashed potatoes for a few days!

  2. I need to make some fajitas I haven't had them in forever. love the wonky stars - and I will look and see about the book recommendation

  3. Those peppers look yummy. I like your wonky pluses - cute fabrics too. I've seen Joanna Trollope's books in the library but I don't think I've read one. Hope you have more of those cool mornings!

  4. I have read all of Joanna Trollopes' books and love them. She was a definite favourite of mine when I read fiction.
    I think your wonky pluses look great. I saw them and thought I should try it too. Oh much inspiration! I know you are relishing these summer days as I am.

  5. in one snapshot post, you showed us your life... thanks for that! A good cup of coffee, a cool porch, a good novel (love the last name, sounds like a pseudonym) and fajitas! We do that and I make sure to have enough left over to put into a lunch for the next day! I like left overs, and don't like food prep. Your pan looks nice, is it ceramic?
    you did make a "kisses" improv quilt... a few "o's" will complete it!

  6. I'm so JEALOUS my eyes are turning greener by the moment! Lol! If you sit outside here in the Midwest you will melt into a puddle. I walk the dog early in the morning and the humidity is so high you'd wish you could grow gills! We stay out for about an hour. Then I have to come in to change my clothes because everything's wet from the humidity. It's nasty. Sure miss that beautiful DRY Colorado weather! Jealousy #2 is the thought of those fajitas! Beautiful peppers and the thought of fajitas made my mouth water. Hubby doesn't like any form of Mexican food so I rarely get it but man, oh man, do I love it!!! I'm looking forward to the upcoming blog hop -- especially Wednesday! Hope today is wonderful in your neck of the woods!

  7. Nice job on those Dark BLUE (and yellow) Wonky Plus blocks, Diann! Thanks for the shout out and if you want the blocks wonkier, it works best to make small changes in the angle of the cuts you are making. Can't wait to see what will become of these!

  8. Hi Diann! Gosh, it's hard to imagine that it's time for the Christmas in July blog hop already. Yummmm-me. Those peppers look delicious and just the thought of fajitas makes my mouth water. HAHA - your plus blocks do look remarkably similar for being wonky. I think my wonky baby quilt had many blocks that looked very similar as well. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. I'm sitting here typing this while hubs is using fresh basil in the kitchen - can you smell it? It's making my mouth water. Anyhoo, those peppers and onions - yum, and so pretty! Love the mug, need to look up the book, and my projects for the Hop are just about done! Yippee! Oh, and there can never be too wonky in my book!

  10. Pretty peppers! Your porch setup looks lovely. No blooms on my sunflowers yet... I like yours. +s, xs - they look great.

  11. Your sunflower is lovely. Fun volunteer plants! I love your +/X blocks.

  12. Kudos to you for having a sunflower that the squirrels didn't get! Too humid to sit outside for any great length of time here but grateful that you are getting some cooler mornings! I like your x or plus blocks! They are so different! What will you do with them? Have a great day Diann!

  13. Our weather has allowed us to be on the back patio in the evening. It gets full afternoon to evening sun, so it's mostly too hot in the summer to enjoy. We are planning a Pergola to cover the patio to create some shade. +'s or X's, it's all good!

  14. Love the X blocks and the mug! Nice quilty stuff! It's been hot and humid here so I've been inside enjoying the air conditioning. I love sunflowers! So pretty!
